Saturday, November 1, 2014

INTRODUCTION Almost 30 years have passed since US researchers have raised the question: Culture e-Magazine - Free eBooks - WebTV Women and educational leadership - women teach and men manage
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INTRODUCTION Almost 30 years have passed since US researchers have raised the question: "Why do women teach and men manage;" (Strober & Tyack, 1980). At that time there was little research on the issues of school leadership and management. Even less attention to gender issues. nova tv hr dnevnik Times have changed. School requirements have changed dramatically following the changes in society of the late modernity. New roles, skills and qualifications required by the teacher at all levels for which there were initially trained and new models of education should be. There is also a variety of issues that need to take into account related to the prospects of the new challenges in education. One of these is gender equality (Anastasaki, 2009). Education is a traditionally female profession in Europe and in the Western world (Lim, 2000: Mehra & Gammage, 1999). But the percentage of women taking or holding leadership positions is extremely low and also showing a decline in levels of education (Saiti, 2000: Aladejana et al., 2005: Strachan, et al., 2007: Anastasaki, 2009). It is indeed striking that despite significant changes in the status of women in employment in Greece, shows that there is very little participation in decision-making and generally high levels of the occupational hierarchy-especially in the areas of education, science and research. It is characteristic that little wonder people in Greece, because while women are the majority in education, this is not reflected at the level of administration despite what legislation adopted on the issue of equal treatment of the sexes. Particularly paradox should be considered this phenomenon in primary education, since the greater 'relevance' of women to teach in primary schools is such a well-established social assumption that affect

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