Friday, February 20, 2015

Those that did not prevent or anticipate the arrival of the crisis now his pontificate monetarist o

During this time they have not taken any responsibility for the economic disaster they endorse. To apply uncritically and accommodating economic dogmas and fashions in vogue tolerated, then without raising his voice, wide and dangerous indebtedness, david bailey fashion photography irrational risk concentrations and the scandalous enrichment of a few speculative.
But without david bailey fashion photography repentance or change, on the contrary, now forms angry and punished even more alarming stubbornly countries and economies that do not apply their old, inefficient and anti-social criteria.
Allowed in the past excessive borrowing banks, businesses david bailey fashion photography and families today, with the faith of converts anatemitzen the fact that public authorities have increased their debt. A growing debt generated largely by four factors concatenated: aid aimed to rescue the financial sector, given its basic character and systemic; policies stimulating economic activity and extent of job creation; increased attention to social needs spurred by the massive loss of jobs and income; and parallel drop in tax revenue crisis.
Those that did not prevent or anticipate the arrival of the crisis now his pontificate monetarist orthodoxy prescribing a brutal spending cuts, without considering whether the elements exacerbate the recession, david bailey fashion photography slow recovery of economic david bailey fashion photography activity and increase requirements social.
Differences in tackling out of the crisis within the international david bailey fashion photography economic organizations, and between Neokeynesian neoliberal or slow implement the agreements reached at the G-20 are slowing reform the rules governing markets repetition of such a crisis, including the rating agencies.
As in nature all space is left empty, someone tends to occupy it, and agencies david bailey fashion photography are taking advantage of it to reverse roles. So they are going to have to be regulated by the authorities to control them and prepare them.
The sales of the rating agencies that provide public david bailey fashion photography debt, although the authorities access to credit to finance that deficit. david bailey fashion photography In many cases, it must be said in passing, these loans are made by a higher interest private financial sectors, which in turn have been saved their money for doubtful debts made by banks, businesses and families have been assumed or endorsed by the authorities now ask them resources.
These penalties are transformed into a force of pressure on authorities as they occur pose a serious drain of public resources, forcing them to implement cost containment david bailey fashion photography measures and unpopular hardest to avoid further penalties.
Because, in addition, even if such modifications to lower the rating of a country, had explained that not justified based on economic parameters, now being given another lap with indignation and surprise aqueta week we attended the threat Belgium increase your risk if the country does not solve the political problems generated by the results of democratic elections.
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