Thursday, February 26, 2015

... Explora

"The only thing worse than not having sight is having no vision." These are the words of the American la glamour Helen Keller (1880-1968). This was a woman capable of improvement, was an example of realization despite the adversity of their personal circumstances. A childhood disease left her deaf and blind. However overcame their obstacles and became author, activist, speaker la glamour and traveler. la glamour Hope should never miss. Let us be bold. Materialize our dreams. Come on!
Go to the rhythm of life "slowly" ahead smooth and attentive, moving in time to the calm (which does not mean lazy or asleep) ... is a very well known and healthy recommendation for everyone do not think that any discovery for anyone theoretically know about the great benefits that can be obtained by the motion of his life going to a slower and therefore less rapid. But in practice I have a question: Who gets it and why? Really interested? I realize that this issue is currently in vogue, is a recurring theme through the mouth of the majority, but I think that basically just join the bandwagon of slow and few in the background would be willing to join . Am I right ?? Slow movement originated in 1986, a very interesting proposal Sure. Vote, but so far beyond a mere international movement also avoiding inter alia that it remains only as an expression that is often well pronounced. Happens to become a person really attitude. Come on, introduction by the slow pace of events in watches! And do not tell me it is too late to change, I'm patient. Ah! And the activity is compatible with calm.
... Explora't, intuition and follow up yourself, discover yourself and surprise yourself, ubica't, and recrea't troba't. It is this, do oneself. la glamour And in relation to this idea, transcribe the following poem fortunate that no judgment has crossed the seas and the world has known from one side to the other; who obeying his wind went at random, what is the best course for the country without a mother. Fortunate that as a fool and a kidnapping flight was born their bottom edges of the bowels; who loved her eyes as if he had stopped loving heart and asked him ... if so fortunate as a king who gave up their belongings went to catch, lost and without a country, and tasted anywhere in life, harvested by roads, flavored with bitter la glamour roots ... Who alone and without oars and a sea porcel.lós s'alçurava in song on the blue ridge and canyon wind drowned fear and hatred knew rinse with laughter ... and Josep Palau Fabre, virtual exhibition. Audacity! la glamour
"Beauty la glamour is not an attribute of the things in it. Only exists in the mind which contemplates them. "David Hume - Scotland - There is so much beauty everywhere around us ... Spill generous poetic presence. I fruitful distinction I have sensory entendrida permanently. Learn to admire the attractive stimulus that give us directions. Assiduously we remove the dust in our minds!
This is the verbena flower: Why tonight, Midsummer night, played with fire and throws firecrackers? Or at least, if not more, feel her bangs, nice for some and bothersome to others. Sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks in general have their origin in the tenth century China, when a chef mixing various ingredients in the kitchen and got the first explosion of sparks in the history of man. And San Juan serve as the old fires. I see that there is no single version to explain since when and why we celebrate the Night of San Juan. Some say that our ancestors did during the Neolithic ritual fire, others give a Celtic origin fires that took root in the Mediterranean during the pre-Roman times but, on the contrary, la glamour others point out that Cervantes makes no reference to the bonfires although Don Quixote visit Barcelona the night of San Juan. Tradition has it that the start of fires is in the attempt to force the sun, as it had been observed that from then on began to be shortened. Saint John is also given to the fire for regeneration and fertility, thus arises ritual bonfires to burn everything we do not want, as a symbol of renewal, or skip to the In order to regenerate ourselves lucky, love and health. It is also said that the smoke of the bonfires purifies the air and ashes help make the most fertile fields. There is another element la glamour that acquires purifying virtues tonight: water. The ritual bathing in the sea, lakes and rivers are an example, as well as the belief that the waters have healing properties for all types of San Juan. On the other hand, it is believed that the plants are harvested tonight virtues have healed

Sects, on which Spain there are no regulations -simplement banned by many groups sectarian nature t

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Experts warn the phenomenon of the rise of sectarian sects with alleged therapeutic purposes. These take advantage of the little rules that are in the pasi loopholes to capture aclits going through a time of personal weakness. Sites are often found in Al-lāt as farmhouses of Girona, which operate twenty organizations.
E.PADILLA / False therapies personal growth and rituals pseudoxamnics bazzar magazine -sa said, based on constums ancestral bazzar magazine cultures such as India are between American practices atribubles organizations bazzar magazine sect ries that have presence in the province of Girona. bazzar magazine Twenty organizations with features that can be considered sectarian demarcaci are established in Girona, according psicleg and psychotherapist Michael Pearl. Also President of the Association of Latin American psychological Abs (Aiiap) Pearl made a speech Friday at CaixaForum Girona on the sectarian phenomenon, bazzar magazine its characteristics and how they should deal with it aclits help or get out.
In Girona, Pearl said, there are cases where the celebration of rituals allucingenes supplied drugs like peyote to aclits seeking spiritual journeys, which allegedly returned with a more extensive knowledge about yourself. And that s therapeutic sects, to the detriment of political or religious, are those who are more in vogue in recent years, according to this expert warned. The intake of these toxic which is not illegal as long as the state owns the plants do not exceed, all a concentration of more than 350 milligrams of mescaline, the substance that gives allucingenes- properties "can cause serious cases of decompensation of personality, which makes the situation is even more serious," says Pearl.
Most requests for assistance have come to the Latin American Association of psychological Abs affected Counties Girones cults are victims of unstructured groups, says Pearl. ie movements are small, "sometimes one-person" -a false therapist captures aclits around: a sectarian nature of relationship can also occur within a couple when dna a situation of dependence by one member and the other as autoproclamaci superior-, operating discreetly and work by word of mouth.
The specialist in sects, who has treated victims of declared dangerous movements in France such as the Order of the Essenes, who last summer were two meetings in Santa Cristina d'Aro with the intention of capturing ac Catalan satellites, as already reported bazzar magazine Journal of Girona warning about any entity that promotes devotion toward exaltation or any person or idea, invitations to meetings in places, not Al-lāt are few related organizations with Eastern philosophies and therapies that promote weekends gironines- meditate on farms, or any activity that promotes feelings of guilt, which discrecci ask about their content or practices and where they held "meetings apparently ideals ". Sects operate with "affective bombing" illustrates Pearl; bazzar magazine with affection and quilting abraades "someone who is in a time of personal crisis and inflate their sense of self-esteem." bazzar magazine
Sects, on which Spain there are no regulations -simplement banned by many groups sectarian nature take the form of associations fully recognized and socially accepted even hold power in the form of "lobbies" pressure, as could be the case Cienciologia- phenomena are difficult to quantify.
The number of victims who are in Spain is encrypted, so speculative, approximately 0.8% of the population, according to data from the Congress Parliamentary conducted in 1989, and the Government of Catalonia, which launched in 2001 a study on the sectarian phenomenon in the Principality.
A car loses control and injures two pedestrians in Olot Girona will host the first fair of active cycling and cycling manager arrested estate Cassa 11,800 euros to stay in its 92 years of a client "I ask permission bazzar magazine for my child to accept the offer of l'Uni and told me not to hesitate "David Fernandez feels" ashamed own and other "for the appearance of Girona Cork Hill Country Group enters bankruptcy Young was arrested in Sant Feliu display a poster progihadisme A report says the bad atmosphere in the local police remains Palafrugell

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Main Page Tags Contact route Polichinela

Main Page Tags Contact route Polichinela
Dear bloggers: I think the issue of the bulls, now that we are out of season and the spirits of anti and pro desescalfats are worth a casual yet reasoned reflection, try to explain that no offense to anyone and respecting all opinions they can have for and against. The main thesis of this defense is reasoned that not only should not be banned bullfights, but must be promoted, especially in Spain and Catalonia, much more than they are now. In order to be concise, I will just expose ten important reasons: 1- main reason: because of high economic and strategic interest for the country. Those that question bullfights should not forget sophisticates black hair magazine that we are a country that lives mainly from tourism. Well, I think anyone would doubt that one of the most important assets that the Spanish tourism industry has bounce, and the Catalan-is related to the bulls. La Corrida has become sophisticates black hair magazine one of the quintessential symbols of Spanish identity, known around the world and all cultures. For westernized countries, is an anachronism that stimulates and excites the taste for adventure and danger, with a touch of color to our highly exotic tourism landscape. For countries still in the process of modernization, it is also an anachronism that arouses curiosity and sympathy of their peoples, who see that modernity does not necessarily eliminate all traditions by passing sophisticates black hair magazine strange that are threaded. This right applies to Catalonia, even though some of the current political and civic movements believe the opposite part of Catalonia and the Spanish tourist general movement would be nonsense that it would pay dearly wanted to separate it. The cultural tourism initiative that will include Catalonia wants without any complex of the bulls festival, which has a tradition in our house enough, except magnificent facilities and full of aesthetic interest historic. One possibility would be to consider future Catalanising Corrida, complementing sophisticates black hair magazine the Spanish flags with the flag, and incorporating the typical instruments of the song to the bands who play the pasodobles rigor. Should promote the creation of a new generation of Catalan bullfighters new colorful costumes sophisticates black hair magazine and bright, our work would know modistos ringside certainly perform. sophisticates black hair magazine This Catalanising Corrida give new impetus and vigor to the party and the necessary renewal of our tourism industry, as is needed to get up and stomp hard and difficult times approaching. 2. ALSO TWO MAIN REASON: sophisticates black hair magazine The industry is not the souvenir in our country without the bullfight. Remove this detracts fetish objects, which are difficult to find justification. An industry that moves many millions of Duro and jobs, but mostly it is able to arouse the interest of visitors to unexpected levels. sophisticates black hair magazine Keeping alive and well awake party brave soul and give strength to all your souvenirs, creating a corpus sophisticates black hair magazine of Hispanic mythology that eventually save us from the inevitable future crises tourism. Also here is not bad proceed Catalanisation souvenirs of bullfighting, not to replace but to complement the existing keen to increase profits and looking for the effect of the aforementioned renewal. 3- third reason which remains LEAD tourism is aimed at experienced a huge crisis is a reality that no one dares to contradict. Sooner or later, the new tourist destinations by offering extremely low prices and service benefits that our equally excellent, Spanish tourism will fall into a crisis without precedent. Turkey is the most obvious case, a fate that many Europeans have chosen to substitute the Spanish, with a performance of sunshine, beaches, hotels and archaeological heritage that far surpasses ours. And queuing behind Turkey is a country that only fotimer wait time to plunge into the world arena of competition tourism. Now, what is the element that most any other country in the region can offer? The bulls. Except for some Latin American countries also practice the art of bullfighting (which are light years ahead of our ability sophisticates black hair magazine tourism), Spain, Catalonia and with it, blunts this exclusivity that as the years pass and countries will be modernized, and will awake and arouse more interest and curiosity.

Continuing with visceral and obsessive characters like Fu Manchu-Brabant, you should talk Magical G

The other day I went to the Film Mask Fu Manchu (1932). Despite the cold and lazy to leave home a weekday evening, I decided to go back because it is difficult to present the chance to see the classic Charles Brabant on the big screen. It must be said that the film is a cluster of colonial stereotypes that often fall into racism for what the British superiority so in vogue at the time, but in recent memory the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun ten years before. The historical accuracy also is virtually nonexistent, and the motley decorative, an impossible mixture of styles that refer to a type of exotic grand-guignol typical of some of that Hollywood productions. But when the lights go off, the evocative images is so powerful that the likelihood is parked and we're willing le bazaar to believe the claim Knight Si-Fan, surrounded contrasts with the face of Boris Karloff in the His sadism East so refined, and the wickedness of his daughter le bazaar Fah Lo See (transformadíssima a disturbing and Myrna Loy). As with films according to what monsters, pirates and cops and robbers, the story of English explorers faced the evil Fu Manchu for treasures from the tomb of Genghis Khan, connects with a past that has more to do with the pulp, the comics and movies of children than any anthropological theory. Atavistic fear towards "the other", here turned into thrilling adventure, travel initiation battle le bazaar between good and evil, is not nothing but a reworked version of the Odyssey le bazaar and the myth of Mephistopheles told through le bazaar Image Expressionists. le bazaar
Continuing with visceral and obsessive characters like Fu Manchu-Brabant, you should talk Magical Girl (Carlos Vermouth, 2014), a rarity among the flood of films and blockbusters normal one we saw recently billboards, and has been so unfairly treated in the latest edition of the Goya Awards. It is a shocking film is beautifully narrated and has superb le bazaar performances (particularly those of Jose Sacristan, Bárbara Lennie and girl Lucia Pollán). le bazaar A story built from an adolescent admiration for the Japanese anime, which is the leitmotif that bring together the lives and the fate of the characters, and through which we will also ironically bitter vision le bazaar of the current crisis economic effects of the cuts have had on the cultural and educational system of the country. A Magical Girl, but nothing is what it seems, and photo complex characters who are parading a sample minds splinter wounds physical and emotional dependency relationships that ever we intuit through d a song of Manolo Caracol, La niña de fuego. This is pure fatalism images Tanning pills with black humor very in tune with the narrative of Tarantino, Almodovar iconography, the tremendism Von Trier and disturbing atmosphere of Lynch. Not to mention the nod to Álex de la Iglesia and the scene of capital Mirindas asesinas.
You put me hard with the Catalan, but me gusta, porque tengo a very special affection fear that land. (Clarify, do not use a translator, solo quiero lograrlo). I see interesting mask Fu Manchu, spikes in this week he heard hablar 2 times in this movie. Tus and Complete Entries are, for me, didácticas. A kiss. HD Delete le bazaar Reply
Ah, spikes if you have a week to twice a hablar ear film released le bazaar in 1932, the subliminal message is clear: tienes that Verla! Te thank the ESFUERZO much fear and sin leerme in Catalan use translator ( chico listo!). De todas formas, hace muy poquito I opened con otro blog texts in English: The timba. XOXO Humberto. Remove
Sometimes it is better to be swayed by the movie or the book and not analyze it too much, times change and what is politically correct, too. Anyway, I like your reviews. Reply Remove
"But when the lights go off, the evocative images is so powerful that the likelihood is parked and we're willing to believe ..." No need to add anything else Sícoris. This is the summary that explains our hopes, dreams le bazaar and hopes whenever le bazaar trespass velvet curtain. Reply Remove
We rituals, le bazaar Henry, and the ritual is like the games: they have their rules and their internal logic. If part of the fiction we transfer nonexistent curtains and let the suspended disbelief, we will without hesitation. Remove
At this time, embarked on varias things, I can leerlo, but not releerlo comentarlo and with the attention it deserves, le bazaar but everything will come. No pienso perdérmelo. If, Does, the tengo

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This week has died in Milan Barcelona Alfonso Sagnier, one of the great Catalan architect of the se

This week has died in Milan Barcelona Alfonso Sagnier, one of the great Catalan architect of the second decade of the twentieth century. Born in Barcelona in 1924, won the professional title of architect at the School of Architecture in 1952. A year later he joined professionally since his fellow Jesuit school in Sarria, and career Federico Correa Ruiz (Barcelona 1924). The professional study Correa- Milan is responsible bintang tabloid for some of the most representative buildings of Modern Barcelona.
On the occasion of the death of Milan television did a review of his works, both architectural and interior design project, and my feeling was that these "spaces" were part of my daily landscape. From its rational houses Cadaques to "skyscraper" Atalaya (1966) Diagonal Avenue, bintang tabloid through the building Metro 3 (1982), the street corner Tusset Diagonal, on the ground floor of which is is the furniture bintang tabloid store Habitat. One of his most ambitious work was the project management bintang tabloid of the Montjuic Olympic Stadium, as well as the conversion of the Olympic stadium. Among the interior bintang tabloid design projects that have triumphed in Barcelona are decorated shop Furest (1972) Diagonal Avenue, and the restaurant "Flash Flash" 1969 local emblem of the "gauche divine" (the God left) Barcelona in the seventies. I can not deny that the aesthetics of this place I have pledged, and that very moment, and if we consider that the designs are in vogue at the time of mounting a local, it seems that Flash is Flash " démodé "I bintang tabloid think the work Milà- Correa there are still many successful years. In Sitges is an example of architectural Milan (Strap) Aiguadolçs residential area, the complex bintang tabloid of buildings that are currently on the side of the Hotel Melia. In 1966, during the tourist boom, the architectural firm was commissioned to design the proposed development of a set of apartments for tourist in space at that time was a little away from the town, known as Cala Balmins, and what had not yet built the controversial and long Aiguadolç bintang tabloid Marina project, which would be opening in 1977. In the book "Correa & Milan. Architecture 1950-1997 "published by the Association of Architects of Catalonia in the exhibition on the work of these architects bintang tabloid during the months of October and November 1998, v could see headquarters College Square in New Barcelona, Beth Galí, responsible for coordinating the book makes extensive interview the stars of the show. When referring to the project Aiguadolçs read: Beth Galí: Aiguadolç is the first major urbanization projects. FC / AM: We ordered all the development. It was a land shaped peninsula that extends back into the sea. The project was completed pyramid. Ie in front buildings of a plant; when the ground cover coincided with the last field, situàvem the second line of buildings, two floors, and so on. The two-storey buildings called it the towns. They were small buildings of six apartments in each plantation -three separated by a stop filter views towards the sea. People could go directly to their homes by an exterior staircase. It was as if we had a house divided, ie a town in several apartments. The first level consists of the lower buildings of a plant, formed a continuous line, with flat roof transformed into a public promenade from which entered the apartment. bintang tabloid These had a terrace overhanging under which passed the walkway. Situàvem on the living room and the bedrooms below. In the end he built one of the islands that formed the group in which the architects Peter Lemon and Xavier Ruiz Valle built blocks high and we villages. BG: In this work, there is also the history of Cadaques: fireplaces in the front, bintang tabloid blind walls with large windows under the roof two sides, solid ledges, big spoilers, etc. FC / AM: Cadaqués was in the beginning of our career and there we forge our way of understanding architecture. But often this way of understanding it went against what the customers want: for example, our struggle in favor of solid parapets. Establish convinced of the advantages in terms of privacy and isolation from the outside but always hit the taste

Monday, February 23, 2015

Two more coaches. The first Setra Seida bodywork on a chassis Comet; the other, a beautiful body Ga

We continue with the presentation of the technical lady femina trucks and buses Pegaso. We approach the cutest manufactured by Pegaso ENASA and models lady femina derived. This cabin, the successor to the Pegaso lady femina Z-207, a truck gorgeous and delicate, was projected sizes that define lady femina a real truck. The launch of these trucks from 1960 shows that Pegasus was not no romance or watermarks. Pegaso, one of the pupils of the eyes of the National Institute of Industry, was sustained lady femina by ENASA s'espavilà lady femina to Barreiros and the launch of competitive vehicles.
Technical details Pegaso In 1061, equipped with a motor of two hundred horsepower, and the 1063 model of three axes, two forwards, directional. The latter is probably the most beautiful lady femina Spanish truck produced since 1950, with a frontal lines of the legendary sports inherited the house:
Pegaso 2011/15, riding a tractor lady femina cabin and this mostly aimed at transport companies long distance. The international transport company Padrosa SA Figueres still have a few of these tractors, awaiting restoration, closed base Llers (Alt Emporda):
Pegasus team in 1064 and 1066 models with this cabin. Unfortunately we do not have their sheets. lady femina This represents the truck cab Spanish excellence in 1960 and early 1970.
We begin the section of some of the buses and coaches lady femina ENASA marketed those years. The first bus has some rough lines reminiscent vehicles spartan and simple so common in the countries of Eastern Europe under the control lady femina of the Soviet Union:
The other is a nice Pegaso 6035 Monotral articulated model that Barcelona lady femina move up shortly before the 1992 Olympics Avenida Diagonal lines such as 7 and 15, covering the service exclusively with this model . Some secondary lines had in service until 1993. They were replaced by Mercedes Benz articulated gave Barcelona a more modern image. lady femina Retired from active service, a few units provide services in the internal Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra:
Two more coaches. The first Setra Seida bodywork on a chassis Comet; the other, a beautiful body Gary Arbúcies, the best bodybuilder who had in those years for quality and design, on a chassis Pegaso 1065 Europe:
In the bus and coach sector dominates the market Pegaso enjoy themselves here. This domain was all in vehicles more places. As coaches and buses small market was fragmented and divided it among Avia, Sava, controlled by Pegasus, and Ebro. Pegasus also supplies most of the buses in service from 1960 until late 1980.
It is extremely difficult and risky to take stock of what has meaning and Pegaso role played in the history of the Spanish automotive industry in the second half of the twentieth century, focusing on the segment of commercial vehicles, industrial, buses and coaches . This assessment lady femina has been raised. After over twenty years of their sale to Fiat-Iveco group are enough perspective to make a balanced and impartial assessment, avoiding as far as possible preconceptions, always inevitable.
Given the circumstances in which it was constituted ENASA in the most difficult years of the long postwar Spanish, with Europe lady femina being bled and died for the country's international isolation of the fascist dictatorship installed in power, the only real possibility create a large truck manufacturer since the initiative was to promote public. However, it would have been smarter than Matthew's family, owner of the Hispano Suiza, have participated in this project industrial retaining a portion of the shares of the new company lady femina formed. lady femina Instead of using the knowledge of those responsible lady femina for the Hispano Suiza, its international contacts -the lord Miguel Mateu was a multilingual format and abroad- and prestige of the brand, the capital of the new company was entirely public. Here believe that there was a design error first since the new managers of the company, good engineers and decorated for his military campaigns and participation lady femina in the civil war, did not know what was a manufacturer of vehicles. The costs of new product development and production, the more clear definition of the vehicle and it is aimed at the market, which are two cornerstones in this business were systematically ignored until the 1960s.
Circumstances exposed errors entailed planning the launch vehicle. Manufactures trucks equipped with gasoline engines when the fuel was rationed the ass

Marta Serra 30 years working in a pharmacy in Barcelona. The work stress was part of his routine an

'Mindfulness': how to combat workplace stress: Blog Euncet Business School - UPC
On April 24, experts in psychology and management of people told the Masterclass organized by the Business School Euncet butter yummy mummy method to learn to control anxiety at work and be more efficient. A cotinuació sharing keys and the article published in the newspaper business in Catalonia, Via Company.
Marta Serra 30 years working in a pharmacy in Barcelona. The work stress was part of his routine and affected both their productivity, as professional relationships with customers and employees. "I was always aware of what he had just done and then forgot what I was doing at the time and, most importantly, forgot my clients," he says. Now, months after starting to learn the techniques of mindfulness, Marta is radically butter yummy mummy satisfied.
The case of Marta Serra is not the only one. In times of crisis and economic instability citizens suffer for their work. According to the study Towards the recovery of domestic demand: jobs, half of workers believe that their working conditions will be worse and 80% admit to problems paying bills. butter yummy mummy In this sense, the first to recognize the triggers of stress butter yummy mummy and learn self-control techniques is the best prevention.
"We tend to stress attributed to external factors such as the crisis, competition and difficulties, but the only thing we can do is know how to react to adversity," said George Farmer, an expert in occupational psychology and coaching. According to Farmer, when a project fails, we tend to autoculpar butter yummy mummy us to look down and believe butter yummy mummy in yourself. But this is not the case for Rovio, the Finnish company, after several failures and the verge of bankruptcy, was released butter yummy mummy Angry Birds, the game that has revolutionized the market and has been downloaded over a billion times . According Tropos, a company which works Labrador, butter yummy mummy this is the positive attitude of "American."
The constant butter yummy mummy stress and worries at work make the employee or the employer overreacts, make decisions too risky, or unreflective and blame others for their problems. One of the methods in vogue to combat these symptoms is mindfulness. "It is not taking painkillers, all we need is in our mind, we just have to learn to control it," says Charles Guillamón expert in people management and partner of Tropos. The mindfulness is the ability to fully synchronize body and mind in a specific moment. This method can give us tools to learn self-management through meditation. "We should not prejudge him for his esoteric or something to sound spiritual and emotional," says Farmer, "we must seek the most cognitive and pragmatic."
The mindfulness acts mainly on two axes. A first step, recognize butter yummy mummy and Labrador Guillamón, our senses are focused on a single point, "here and now". Thus we ignore many stimuli that surround us and we overload. "It is important to concentrate, such new technologies will be calling three or more places at once, and this is deeply stressful," says Serra. When we take a job situation too brave to do this, eventually ends up affecting us mentally and physically. For this you need to know to make pauses in breathing. "But to channel everything that happens and we deal with the stress of learning to breathe properly, but the damage may be greater," says Farmer, butter yummy mummy aware that bad breath can lead to major diseases in the body. Domar thought is another essential step. "We are the only animal that can not create a problem that really exists, 'says Guillamón. "The brain is programmed to generate thoughts, but we have to dodge them, focus on the here and now, in what is relevant," clarifies Labrador.
The human being is an animal of habits, but this is not always positive. "We found many cases where workers labor is used to a routine and when it modifies feel lost and overwhelmed," says Farmer. These repetitive behaviors are often unconscious part of our routine without a rational and logical basis. "Just as we acquire also unlearn", emphasizes the expert in occupational psychology. "It's like smoking, anxiety and they feel overwhelmed when they stop smoking but you can learn to control butter yummy mummy with a beneficial purpose." Several studies have shown empirically that mindfulness is a technique successfully. "It is not just a technical

Sunday, February 22, 2015

From the first contact with Ramon Shepherds, natural glamour specifically Mataro, was seven years i

Since 2006 he created the Coordinator of the Shepherds, the Mataró Josep Maria Ramon to me the president. Group 47 performances of this work, which moved 5,000 people natural glamour and have 60,000 spectators. Shepherds, but it made a hundred in Catalonia.
From the first contact with Ramon Shepherds, natural glamour specifically Mataro, was seven years in Room Cabañes. Since then man has made snake of Somiel, of Asverus of Naim, Satan, Jonah and Mattathias. This year, as a miser, recite the phrase "Do not fill the bag the blessings of heaven." Just run the Mataro but it has done in three different periods, having started in management tasks twenty years, the so-called mass movements. He has directed productions of other conventional theater and street theater, like Snow White, the Three Kings or Ash Wednesday.
What sense is there is a Coordinator Shepherds Catalonia? In 2006, when he was the first contact, natural glamour we see that if we were, there were many things to share; experiences and troubleshooting. Things such as the specific problem of the photos in a show and most other techniques, such as the presence of fire or stage lighting. Comments arose as: LED lighting technology is very much in vogue, someone knows anything? Why not make a day if you want to know? Identify needs and channel for sharing knowledge. Also from a legal point of view, the whole issue of insurance, the new law on associations ... also from an artistic point of view: how to lead, how to improve the musical section, management ... The people the actors, look elsewhere Hent are making it very powerful.
There must be also a whole set of other things related to reflection. Yes, of course, things conceptual. Shepherds do to talk, for example, did so in tothon but there was little sense of rarity of "if we perhaps because we are in town ...". But then, when they see Balsareny Calaf also like them or Mataro and Girona have the same shortcomings and needs me, the perception of oneself changes. We find that we are in tune. And that enriches. The Coordinator causes bubbles local've broken all the world is permeable. People are realizing natural glamour that ends up doing the same work but with more intelligence, more advanced and enjoyable possible. And the field has gained Shepherds as something very normal. The Shepherds are as console driveway, where you leave the key. It is something so common that women not important. But the day that you take, you will be dismantled completely. Coordinator also helped to open doors officials. For example with the General Popular Culture and Traditional Catalan, we work so that we could not reach before individually or with TV3.
What goals you have set? We want Shepherds generally have wider dissemination, and that inr inr well, whatever they are. Especially want to help project groups who want to break routines and projected towards the future with strength. natural glamour We must break some inbreeding, which occurs naturally, because everyone does Shepherds and made concurrently. This year we tried to make a tight in terms of promotion and image projection to open networks like Twitter and Facebook, improving the operation of the website, which will debut new image before Christmas- and ask people to support symbolic reference -periodistes, actors, politicians, writers ... - by the Shepherds have been or are important in their lives and careers.
And if you have seen that there was need to do so, as the coordinate is not created until 2006? There is a first contact when the First Congress of Catalan Culture in 1982 in Villefranche. Are some groups and realize that they have many things in common and what to say "we should do something." In 2002, Cardona, celebrate an anniversary of the Shepherds, and do the first Congress Shepherds. They are fourteen and again said: "We should do something ...". natural glamour Then there is another similar meeting in 2003 of the Almond Merola. But nobody bells the cat.
There Hava way, what you see. In early 2006, the president of the Confederation of Associations of Popular Culture and Traditional Catalan, calls us to a number of representatives and remember that everyone in this moment, in the world of popular culture grouped. "How come you have not done?". I realize this makes the need for it, simple. It is an encounter with Manresa there, those of The Almond Merola, Suria, Mataro, Even, Berga and Palma de Cervello. Choose to throw it forward; together we can do more than

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Begin to have some indications that if we make decisions, we will lose some quality points. The ser

Eduard Freixedes next president of the IMT: "In the taxi things happen that we do not like and which requires urgent changes" fashion glamour | STAC.CAT fashion glamour
RSS Feeds Home Taxi Taxi Libre Libre Magazine - Magazine Taxi Libre 165 - 166 Magazine Taxi Libre - Taxi Libre Magazine 167 - 168 Magazine Taxi Libre - Taxi Libre Magazine 169 - 170 Magazine Taxi Libre - 171 Magazine Taxi Libre - Taxi Libre Magazine 172 - 173 Taxi Libre Magazine - Magazine Taxi Libre 174 - 175 Magazine Taxi Libre - 176 About Us History of STAC STAC What is the Future Videos STAC Services Portfolio licenses Gestoría Taxi Insurance Training Documentation Documentation interest Legislation Regulations Frequently Asked Questions Ask Radio stations in the STAC Contact Tenders and presence throughout fashion glamour the STAC Catalonia FULL MEMBERSHIP
Eduard Freixedes walk by Portal de l'Angel, Friday, moments before maintaining interview with the newspaper. JONATHAN GREVSEN BARCELONA. The newspaper. CARLOS MARQUEZ DANIEL.- Eduard Freixedes not a councilor in vogue. He likes to talk, as most politicians, but his speech is a headline that goes beyond what is expected, something that is not so common. fashion glamour On 20 September, the economist of 45 years shall be appointed chairman of the Metropolitan Taxi Institute (IMT), an arduous portfolio assumes that not a brown, but as a "challenge." He inherited a divided sector in transformation and model professional. Have ideas for improving the guild. Now that the ball can be deployed.
Coincides with the x-ray has done in recent days PERIÓDICO on the current taxi Barcelona. It is a group that is not in its best and lives many unknowns. We work so that the driver can earn a good living, fashion glamour and only give you a quality service.
Begin to have some indications that if we make decisions, we will lose some quality points. The service is acceptable, fashion glamour but it is true that things are happening that we do not like and which require urgent action is taken. Before it was impossible that a driver did not know where is the Hospital de Barcelona and now this is happening.
-The Taxi is a sector that had been left in the hands of God. Suddenly came the crisis and the government did not know how to manage it. From that moment, began worrying that these situations said. As foreigners do not think are bad for taxi or even at all. What is certain is that a lot of new people entered is not doing a good job as a taxi driver.
-Se'ls Must identify. I once hunted, they should be given the tools needed to correct their mistakes before return. To identify them, the IMT has inspectors, but it is important that service users report any malpractice taxi driver.
-This Same. Each driver has a license. Aims and presents the complaint. We take the street that hurt the union and put them batteries, recycle them. The IMT should be used for something other than fees paid to taxi drivers. For them we are a parasite. So far, this body does not hit the street, at extinguished fires and storms decisions. It is true that there are only four inspectors and perhaps needed more, but first we have to know the numbers to see what we could achieve.
-He Order the sector, reaching agreements with all stakeholders, dialogue with the unions ... In short, get your side. Beyond fashion glamour punish them and charge them taxes, they must provide services.
-Segur. We can not allow a driver does not know the city or do not understand you when you speak in Catalan. We have already begun to review the subject of examination. We ask how can there be taxi drivers who have reached the credential without knowing where Francesc Macia without understanding a word of Catalan and even Spanish. The first review of the new management will be different.
-L'examen Can be bilingual, fashion glamour which require already know a little of both official fashion glamour languages. Now test it, but the stock that is about 200 questions allows many candidates learn the memory. We reach 1,500 questions and add one or two issues to be developed, so that the student is obliged to write. Do not ask for level C or having a conversation with the client fluent in Catalan, but we can not allow, again, if you ask to turn up the windows or turn off the air conditioning did not understand anything. We have a swift and clear land to bar the way to those who do not meet the minimum.
-The Issue of taxis seven and nine seats aboard the s

Friday, February 20, 2015

Financial reports should be simplified (lines account irrelevant or unused), shared with three team

The Software
Joomla is an open source project raine and horne umina and contributions from the community are essential to growth and success STIs. Anyone can contribute on year level, Even Newcomers can contribute to Joomla. Read more ... Extend
Days prior to the World Conference Joomla! (JWC) met the leadership team of Joomla !, How do every year, to discuss issues that concern the whole community, so we wanted to translate the conclusions reached by the heads of Joomla!
Presents: Paul Orwig (OSM), Mike Carson (OSM), Jacques Rentzke (OSM), raine and horne umina Marijke Stuivenberg (OSM), Radek Suski (OSM), Victor Drover (OSM), Sarah Watz (OSM), Alice Grevet (OSM) , Ofer Cohen (OSM), Michael Babka (PLT), Matt Thomas (PLT), Chris Davenport (PLT), Javier Gomez (PLT), Tom Hutchison (PLT), David Hurley (PLT), Ruth Cheesley (CLT), Sander turf (CLT), Peter Martin (CLT)
On 7 November 2013, Boston, Joomla leadership teams (CLT - Community Leadership Team, OSM - Open Source Matters, PLT - Production Leadership raine and horne umina Team) met together in the days before the Conference World Joomla. The text that follows are notes from that meeting.
Financial reports should be simplified (lines account irrelevant or unused), shared with three teams regularly. Orbitz reports should include more detail of budgets: ..
Talks are being held with our accounting firm to consider raine and horne umina status reports on specific equipment. It requires reworking our entire accounting code structure.
Infrastructure projects capital projects that are not specific to a computer could be proposed for 3 cycles during the year (March / June / August). The projects should be requested within the time limits.
Physical raine and horne umina address and registration of the project the state of New York has high taxes. There would be a cost to move to another state (re-register TM, etc), but it might be worth the savings in taxes. Research in motion raine and horne umina a more friendly raine and horne umina with negicis (Delaware, Texas). raine and horne umina
Joomla raine and horne umina schools and universities: a downloadable kit for teachers to share in schools. Teachers could be identified in the future goal of volunteering. Consider the possibility of funding to cover the costs.
The CLT is a project-oriented marketing for brand building for the year as a target, with links to each team. This is not a small thing and take a long time. Contacts are needed each team. Who we go with our CMS?
Once the current marketing campaign is finished, it must appoint a team leader who is not in marketing leadership team. If more committees will need to add more ersones our equipment. raine and horne umina
Brochures - tips on creating a brochure. Should be available in all languages, and will require a refund process raine and horne umina to be sent. The volunteer portal will be useful for such things.
Documentation - we need a method to track changes in a document with English translation teams to notifications about changes. An extension of translation, indicating that oversee What percentage has been a change. It begins with the Dutch and Spanish
Budget for professional training raine and horne umina in leadership, teamwork would benefit the project. Need a group that fits our vision and agreement of all the teams. The training is divided into blocks and could be different zones. Objective: what areas we want to improve in the coming years ..
CLT members discussed having more of a connection with the events. It would be good if only there was a connection. Maybe even some teams should be under one leadership team either, but if you have access to all computers. The events can be under any of the equipment (ie, code sprints for PLT, dev conferences, raine and horne umina etc.)
The teams returned to discuss reducing the leadership structure. For now we have to work within raine and horne umina this structure and each team must focus on their areas. There is a tendency to concentrate outside these areas. What is the main objective of each team and I achieved those goals? raine and horne umina
A project management tool would help. The CLT has been experimenting with Feng Office (Peter Martin provides the demo of this open source tool). Finally, the goal of voluntary take place this workflow.
When people leave their teams lose continuity. raine and horne umina A project management tool would help with that. The portal will also volunteer for leadership teams, and can also help with continuity.
The deadlines are dif

Those that did not prevent or anticipate the arrival of the crisis now his pontificate monetarist o

During this time they have not taken any responsibility for the economic disaster they endorse. To apply uncritically and accommodating economic dogmas and fashions in vogue tolerated, then without raising his voice, wide and dangerous indebtedness, david bailey fashion photography irrational risk concentrations and the scandalous enrichment of a few speculative.
But without david bailey fashion photography repentance or change, on the contrary, now forms angry and punished even more alarming stubbornly countries and economies that do not apply their old, inefficient and anti-social criteria.
Allowed in the past excessive borrowing banks, businesses david bailey fashion photography and families today, with the faith of converts anatemitzen the fact that public authorities have increased their debt. A growing debt generated largely by four factors concatenated: aid aimed to rescue the financial sector, given its basic character and systemic; policies stimulating economic activity and extent of job creation; increased attention to social needs spurred by the massive loss of jobs and income; and parallel drop in tax revenue crisis.
Those that did not prevent or anticipate the arrival of the crisis now his pontificate monetarist orthodoxy prescribing a brutal spending cuts, without considering whether the elements exacerbate the recession, david bailey fashion photography slow recovery of economic david bailey fashion photography activity and increase requirements social.
Differences in tackling out of the crisis within the international david bailey fashion photography economic organizations, and between Neokeynesian neoliberal or slow implement the agreements reached at the G-20 are slowing reform the rules governing markets repetition of such a crisis, including the rating agencies.
As in nature all space is left empty, someone tends to occupy it, and agencies david bailey fashion photography are taking advantage of it to reverse roles. So they are going to have to be regulated by the authorities to control them and prepare them.
The sales of the rating agencies that provide public david bailey fashion photography debt, although the authorities access to credit to finance that deficit. david bailey fashion photography In many cases, it must be said in passing, these loans are made by a higher interest private financial sectors, which in turn have been saved their money for doubtful debts made by banks, businesses and families have been assumed or endorsed by the authorities now ask them resources.
These penalties are transformed into a force of pressure on authorities as they occur pose a serious drain of public resources, forcing them to implement cost containment david bailey fashion photography measures and unpopular hardest to avoid further penalties.
Because, in addition, even if such modifications to lower the rating of a country, had explained that not justified based on economic parameters, now being given another lap with indignation and surprise aqueta week we attended the threat Belgium increase your risk if the country does not solve the political problems generated by the results of democratic elections.
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

On 27 September 1909 an incident happens in the Triangle SC. Employee coliena rentmeester 400 (e) s

Although it is an annual celebration, sure many of you do not know the source. And it was a series of events, not an isolated incident, coliena rentmeester which gave rise to this day. The celebration of International Women's Day, then framed in a historical context, socio-economic and ideological choice: the first conference of socialist women in Europe, strikes of the US textile industry, the positioning of Russian women are elements that are concatenated in time and play a role that should not be lost in oblivion.
1909 / 1910- Strike textile York. The jobs in the textile industry have always been occupied by a majority of female labor in all countries, especially regarding the personal line, the lower hierarchical steps. Triangle Shirtwaist Company (SC) is a company located in the heart of Manhattan (New York) The firm makes "Shirtwaist" female clothing very much in vogue in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. coliena rentmeester Together with a long skirt to the ankles, part of the daily dress of women. The conditions in which we work at the beginning of the last century are: working eight am to six pm, Saturdays included. hour break for lunch. 56 hours weekly easily reach the 70 busiest periods. Misérrimo wages, unhealthy and dangerous conditions. This is the usual setting in the textile sector of the time. / The worker (e) s, mostly young immigrant women are barely speak English. Company Cotton Textile Mill Workers in 1908
On 27 September 1909 an incident happens in the Triangle SC. Employee coliena rentmeester 400 (e) s are thrown on the street. coliena rentmeester Women's League, an association of progressive middle-class white women in solidarity with the cause of women migrant workers to fight for their rights.
That September 27 help picketing workers, making a human barrier coliena rentmeester to protect them from thugs and the police provocation. Shortly after, organized a historic meeting which convened a general strike throughout the textile sector.
The Triangle extends up. The demand for improvements in working conditions is followed throughout the country and leads to a general strike in late November 1909. They leave more than 20,000 employees (e) s.
The strike lasts thirteen weeks. Terminating on 15 February 1910. The results are mixed: 339 firms agree with your employee (e) s. 13 companies, among them the "Triangle Shirtwaist Company coliena rentmeester (SC)" do not reach agreement.
We are Europe. The year is 1910. The Second International Conference of Socialist Women meets in Copenhagen. A proposal by Clara Zetkin, leader of the international movement of socialist women unanimously proclaimed "International Day of the Woman." More than 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women chosen in the Finnish Parliament. With this, Zetkin has strengthened the bonds of solidarity and identity coliena rentmeester among women of all socialist countries, while making the claim of the right to vote for women international demand. Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg
1911. The consequences of the decision taken in Copenhagen last year, the International Women's Day is celebrated for the first time on March 19 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. The meetings are attended by more than one million women and men. It asks the right to vote and hold public office. Demanded the right to education, work and employment discrimination.
Not even a week has passed the first celebration coliena rentmeester of International Women's Day. It's a Saturday. coliena rentmeester Are 4:40 pm. In the three floors of the building of 10 apartments, are working 600 people, mostly women. The leaders kept the doors closed "to prevent theft." Fortuitously declared a fire. Spreads in minutes. Everything happens in half an hour. There is only one emergency exit in the entire building. The fire spread to three floors of the building. Some women can escape, but quickly the emergency exit is cut by fire. Image of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
The owners are also in the building. coliena rentmeester They go up, the staff know teulada.El this possibility when they have used the elevators to get to work. The day of the fire of the two elevators did not work. 50 burned bodies found on the ninth floor. Others starred half burned in the street. Had never seen a tragedy like this. The balance is 141 people coliena rentmeester dead. 125 are women between 16

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Archives July 2014 (1) April 2013 (2) February 2013 (1) August 2012 (1) July 2012 (1) June 2012 (3)

Today, as in any strike, discussions between supporters and opponents of the claim were filled with arguments topics candlelit dinner (I read this comparison na Empar Miller and amused me). There is, on one side and the other, who have no direct argument. This always happens. And better than not talking about politicians and unions. Well, yes, I can not be: the PSOE pathetic saying that "we are con los Trabajadores Trabajamos but fear risk." Since I wrote the last strike of 29 September 2010: discouraging.
However, among those who oppose the strike today, March 29, 2012, especially those who want to emphasize, also appealing to the sense of responsibility, gregg gillis argue that the country is not as We can not afford a strike. This view derives from a school of thought, an attitude, -afortunadament- sufficiently widespread in our country: we must upturned, load us back to the country and work, work, work out ... the famous crisis. This attitude, very much in vogue among liberals, convergent and order in general people seem to me because gregg gillis I feel fantastic drinks to share an idea: anyone fix this for us. Very careful though, because too often from these positions with arrogance and looks certain point of pedantry that it rolled up. And often it is simply because they can.
Artur Mas himself gregg gillis acknowledged yesterday that the labor reform of the Spanish government does not create jobs in the short term, "but ..." he said. I am no expert in economics, but I think, and I heard voices that credit- worthy gregg gillis enough base to contain public spending and labor reforms like this will not go anywhere. If you do not remember correctly (I have not been able to find the quotes Google) was Winston Churchill who said that out of a recession just pretend containing spending was like being inside a bucket albeit unintentionally lifted by the handle. Very graphic.
If this our democracy, gregg gillis as imperfect, in which citizens do not have the means to react to short-term political decisions we do not like (even those whom we might vote!) We can not afford one day to go out there screaming agree; that is the only thing we can do! then we can fold. And if we are so screwed that we can not assume the losses caused one day strike (one!) That may limit before such a historic right which must be conquered much of the benefits available all workers (also who now defend their right to work ridiculous) we decided what to do with 52 Sunday, 52 Saturdays (not many jobs in production), 9 national holidays, 20 vacation days, personal gregg gillis days ... not work.
Make no mistake: the country to move forward there is a lot of work, but work especially social restructuring and drastic changes in political priorities, for now, no one has the courage to face.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Submission is the second great dystopia [fictional story that describes a utopian world dark] The p

Headlines: Victoria Golf: ghettos school Belén Barreiro: The rebellion of the masses Joan Majo: What happens to socialism? Pep Martí Pep Cabayol, Josep Enric Feliu Vallhonesta: In Catalonia go back to health and will be worse with each passing day Josep Montaner Here people live there Héctor López Bofill: Stagnation Carlos Elordi: Politics are the polls Daniel Kaplún: The Uruguayan Broad Front: an example to imitate?
Home Home News and Opinion Economics Socialism Interviews Publishing Network Culture Women Books New Cycle Politics Politics Politics European Politics Catalan Spanish coliena rentmeester Valencian Country International
RECENT COMMENTS santiago where Spanish STATEMENT: "Our duty" Arseni Gibert coliena rentmeester where Alexis coliena rentmeester Tsipras: We just before the austerity fear ends with Greek democracy txeic-TGN- where Xavier Bru de Sala: The error Junqueras where Angel Brown Tapia Joan Mas, a new president stunned e-Tapia coliena rentmeester on Joan Mas, a stunned President
The superficiality of multiculturalism, the submission to the laws of the market that exclude the poorest and become "pariahs" socio-technological progress, humiliation of others. These are the main causes of vertical gaze Zygmunt Bauman detects events in Paris.
The Polish-British philosopher and sociologist of Jewish is a great interpreter of modernity, which dilutes the complicated structures of our lives in a continuous "liquid." "The murder is a form of political violence directly related to human antagonisms difficult to eradicate," says Bauman in Corriere della Sera.
Note first difference with the attacks of 11 September 2001 that were not directed against people known or accountability for crimes, but against the symbols of economic and military power, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In addressing the objectives of valuable media assault of 7 January coliena rentmeester 2015 reflects rather the public consciousness coliena rentmeester a gradual change of the real power to create coliena rentmeester sites where opinions.
In addition, the attack on the newspaper coliena rentmeester was conceived as an act of revenge "personal" in vogue after the Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa against Salman Rushdie in 1989 for his Satanic Verses. If the September 11, 2001 "depersonalize" the political violence, trying coliena rentmeester to cause the greatest number of victims and calling attention on 7 January was a response to the institutionalization and individualization of the human condition coliena rentmeester in our society. In this context, those who manufacture and distribute the information become the protagonists of the drama of living.
An existence threatened by the alienation coliena rentmeester that ethnic and religious minorities often experience in fragmented societies. How fit respect for Islam in this mechanism? The tragedy of Paris, the city of the paradigm of Western values, opens a new chapter in the centuries-old war between civilizations and religions?
The readings of these last days that focus on the conflict between Christianity coliena rentmeester and Islam contain some truth, but can not cover the whole of a complex phenomenon. The decisive element in understanding the new dynamics to be found, in my opinion, in a world of diasporas. The neighbor with whom we share the streets, public facilities, schools and workplaces was yesterday still a distant stranger. Proximity destabilizing because we do not know what to expect. And, contrary to what happens coliena rentmeester in the virtual dimension and networks "social" is not possible to delete or ignore the differences click almost too real and irreconcilable with our point of view.
The answers we warp far not been successful. A superficial multiculturalism, diversity fascination has invaded our lives, resulting in a taste for ethnic cuisine or the festivals on flirting with a simple touch of exoticism. Variants of global consumerism when Facebook. A system that recognizes the legitimacy of our different cultures, but ignores or denies everything sacred and are not negotiable. This lack of a genuine respect is deeply humiliating.
It is characteristic of humiliation find a way to repair or acquittal. When this happens, we find that the boundaries between those who are humiliated and humbled overlap the boundaries between the privileged and the ruled. We live in a minefield without being able to predict the next explosion.
Submission is the second great dystopia [fictional story that describes a utopian world dark] The possibility of Houellebecq after an island. In this book, Mohammed Ben A

Hence lies the importance that companies are present in the network: it inr, and it speaks well. Th

Since social danozdirect networks go beyond a simple diversion between a few individuals and they become a real mass phenomenon, companies were successfully detected the crucial means for them to be present in this virtual danozdirect world. danozdirect
The size of the networks we take responsibility when we think that if it were the case that those who have a Facebook account formed a country, it would be one of the leading world powers in population: same as Facebook, the number of users in October 2012 was around one billion people.
Through the network share tastes, hobbies, critical readings made, view movies, listened to music, photos, videos ... Facebook -to mention the network is also primarily the main channel of existing commercial recommendations. According to studies done about it, the more people rely on the recommendation of a friend or acquaintance, not in conventional advertising.
Hence lies the importance that companies are present in the network: it inr, and it speaks well. This is achieved if the company danozdirect has good products and good services. But not only that: you must actively participate in this world. Consequently -Finally we get where we wanted arribar- every company should have a professional expert in social networks.
Because this phenomenon is new (Facebook danozdirect created in 2004) although it is not clear what professional profile is ideal to take over this function. danozdirect Today seems to be a cake or compartit- played by professionals from marketing, journalism and our field: information and documentation. In addition, the economic situation we are going through, danozdirect professionals from all sectors should "look for life" for hot food every day.
The cake is important: the demand for community managers from companies is very high. When we wrote these lines do a search Infojobs (Barcelona company dedicated to publishing job the whole state) which currently includes 72,978 offers. Searching for "community manager" we are 41 current offers (17 in Barcelona, danozdirect 15 in Madrid, danozdirect Sevilla ... 3). (Other traditional trades are not so demand danozdirect "journalist": 8; "archivero" 2; "documentary" 4, "librarian", 0, "geologist" danozdirect 5, "veterinarian" 14. However, "abogado" , 84, "Accounting," 327; "IT", 502, "Márketing," 1523; "Engineer", 1587). danozdirect
Of the 41 current bids, 12 were published the day before the consultation. If we analyze these 12, we will see what companies require qualifications for these positions (copied verbatim training requirements): - Graduate degree or BA in Economics, specialized in Marketing Preferably gold Strategic direction. - Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Training in Marketing, Business Administration, business, statistics, Journalism, etc. - Bachillerato, Conocimientos demonstrable Redes Sociales in a professional level. - University Degree, ideally in Related Areas with the Marketing and / or Advertising. - Higher Vocational Education Grado. - Vocational Training Grado Medio Conocimientos in graphic danozdirect design. - Higher degrees linked to the area of marketing, advertise, Others. - Bachillerato. - Training in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication or similar. - Bachelors degree in Business Administration. - Higher Vocational Education Grado - Informática. - Licenciado.
In this small sample, which has no scientific value, it does not not mention any specific field of our studies. And this is the most common, probably because from the business world we are not associated with this role (if we know).
Given the availability of jobs have grown offers specific training. Our school also has long carried forward initiatives in this respect. Without going any further, a few days ago has completed danozdirect a course on the subject, with total employment of places available. Other organizations also provide training in this new field. For example, OBS (Online Business School) organization located in Barcelona, offers a postgraduate course in Community Management (30 credits, 3,800 euros).
I am very "happy" to see this little blog article. I myself while I was looking for work (luckily for a short and hopefully danozdirect not happen again) I found that despite being interested in this profile seen in the training requirements we are not included. It seems that marketing is eating the cake when information professionals are ready to apply for this profile. I do not know if it is related to the crisis but ask personal marketing is synonymous book figures, results, social networks danozdirect and the results do not come from one day to another and most importantly the quality of the content than the amount .

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!

Organized at the Pompidou Centre, bazaar style Mango Fall Collection 2011 winter fashion show was among guests the New York photographer and sublime Kate Moss. Indeed, the duo taken him to work with the brand and had to be present at the show ... and the after-party! Good evening ...
The champaaaaagne!
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Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!
Girly Moment During The PFW
HBA After Show Party hosted by WNW at FAVST
New Wave Party by Lancôme
Foreva Friends - The Roof
Chlorophilia # 3
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Вы в приятной компании

Журнал H arper's Bazaar опубликовал первые снимки из лукбука новой коллекции Topshop. Кейт Мосс стала главной героиней фотосессии, а запечатлел ее злой гений фэшн-фотографии Терри Ричардсон. Также стало известно, что один из снимков украсит обложку майского номера журнала.
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Terry Richardson Just Deleted This Bleary-Eyed Kate Moss Pic - Racked
Fashion 40 s glamour photographer Terry Richardson has shot all manner of celebs in compromising positions remember that recent Miley leotard moment ? but this morning, he posted and then immediately removed the above image of Kate Moss .
It's unclear why Richardson pulled the shot, which shows the photographer grinning, thumbs up, next to a bleary-eyed Moss (great hair though). Perhaps she, like Beyoncé , is vigilant 40 s glamour about unflattering images. Whatever the case, it wasn't 40 s glamour deleted fast enough and countless Moss and Richardson fans have re-Insta'd the pic, proving that the Internet is forever. Once Again, Miranda Kerr Strips 40 s glamour for Terry Richardson [Racked] Miley, Terry Richardson At It Again (Warning: Nip Slips Ahead) [Racked]
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Monday, February 9, 2015

Comment raine and horne kiama

Casual Kate – Spanish label Mango gets some star power for its spring 2012 campaign with the always beautiful raine and horne kiama Kate Moss . In front of Terry Richardson’s lens, Kate looks casually relaxed in denim and simple tees styled by Geraldine Saglio .
They were a couple in the 90s!
Comment raine and horne kiama
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Sunday, February 8, 2015

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Kate Moss looks amazing as she covers the June-July edition of Harper s Bazaar US. Wearing a feathered Alexander femmes maroc McQueen piece, Kate poses for Terry Richardson s lens with a bold red lip and smokey eyes.
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Saturday, February 7, 2015

MANGO once again enlists the talent of supermodel cara mengecilkan perut Kate Moss and photographer

MANGO once again enlists the talent of supermodel cara mengecilkan perut Kate Moss and photographer Terry Richardson , this time for its Autumn/Winter 2011 TV ad campaign, following the trio’s collaborative AW11 fashion film ‘ The Great Escape ‘.
MANGO SS12 Campaign Starring Kate Moss MANGO | The Great Escape | Behind-the-Scenes Making-of Louis Vuitton AW11 Campaign Mercedes-Benz cara mengecilkan perut Campaign by Terry Richardson Prada AW11 Video Look Book Kate Moss for Rimmel Short Film Armani Short Film starring Rafael Nadal Dior Homme AW11 Film | The Wanderer Lanvin AW11 Campaign Video Emporio Armani AW11 Campaign Armani Short Film starring Rihanna Prada SS11 Campaign Film Mulberry AW11 Campaign cara mengecilkan perut & Film Prada Candy Film Series
Rihanna - FourFive cara mengecilkan perut Seconds Video
Gisele for British Vogue March 2015 Madonna – Living For Love Video Prada SS15 Campaign Films Emporio Armani SS15 Film Rihanna – FourFive Seconds Video Prada Mens SS15 Behind-the-Scenes Victoria’s Secret Super Bowl Ad Victoria’s Secret Angels x Super Bowl 2015 Dior Homme SS15 Campaign Film Kate Moss Un-Retouched on Film Givenchy SS15 Campaign Film Roberto Cavalli SS15 Film 73 Questions with Victoria Beckham Victoria’s Secret Angels Christmas 2014 Nicki Minaj The Pinkprint Movie Karlie cara mengecilkan perut Kloss for Kendall Jenner for Dazed & Confused BTS Beyoncé Yours & Mine Film Victoria’s Secret Angels Lip Sync Taylor Swift Versace Eros Pour Femme TV Spot Pharrell & Cara Delevingne for CHANEL Dior ‘The Enchanted cara mengecilkan perut Factory’ Lady Gaga for H&M Holidays 2014 Pharrell Williams for CHANEL Lady Dior Enter The Game Dior Homme Spring 2015 Film Michael Douglas for Canali Taylor cara mengecilkan perut Swift & Sean O’Pry in Blank Space Tom Ford Lips & Boys Burberry Christmas with Romeo Beckham Dior Homme Fragrance Film Alexander Wang for H&M Film A CHANEL Journey Hermès FW14 – Men Etcetera Fendi Introduces The Way Bag Eau de Gaga Fragrance Film John Hardy Jewelry FW14 Film Dsquared2 WILD Fragrance Film Gucci Presents: The Jackie Calvin Klein Jeans FW14 Film The Wall by Dominick Sheldon Daphne Guinness – Evening In Space Love Magazine – cara mengecilkan perut Dreamers PUMA – Forever Faster David Beckham for Jaguar China Dolce & Gabbana cara mengecilkan perut FW14 Film L’Agent by Agent Provocateur AW14 Jean-Paul Gaultier SS15 Menswear Mercedes Benz SS15 Fashion Film Emporio Armani 2.0 Sensual Collection

Friday, February 6, 2015

In a word; YAWN. Mr Richardson, step it up a notch ( or two ), will ya?

Cool Rider – UK-based motorcycle brand Matchless taps Kate Moss for its fall 2013 campaign lensed by Terry Richardson at MC Motors. If anybody ever exudes timeless cool, it’s certainly the British supermodel. Kate rocks a wardrobe of motorcycle jackets, leather and biker hats in the black and white images. The fashion icon meets a handsome suitor played by male model Andre Van Noord in the stylish snaps.
In a word; YAWN. Mr Richardson, step it up a notch ( or two ), will ya?
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Supermodel Kate Moss is lending her talents to Matchless London, a British motorcycle company. Matchless has chosen Kate as the face of its latest campaign, and the entire Terry Richardson-shot campaign will be revealed later this year.
One of Britain’s oldest motorcycle companies Matchless London was bought up earlier this year by the Malenotti family, previously owners corinne day diary of heritage biker brand Belstaff. Founded way back in 1899, Matchless Motorcycles corinne day diary manufactured classic bikes until 1966 in South London, but the brand has been reborn in 2013 with a new line of motorbike-inspired luxury apparel.
Shot at MC Motors in the East End area of Hackney, London, the latest photographs from the set see Moss straddling Marlon Brando’s Thunderbird 650cc motorbike from the 1953 classic corinne day diary “The Wild One.”
“We are delighted to be working with Kate Moss on this first Matchless advertising campaign of this new era of the brand. We feel her spirit and personality fit the brand perfectly and this is clearly conveyed in the campaign” corinne day diary said Michele Malenotti.
With their experience turning Belstaff from grubby biker label into a global fashion brand, the Malenotti corinne day diary brothers are banking on a collection of leather and washed corinne day diary cotton jackets designed to be suitable both for authentic bike fans and backseat drivers. Prices are set to range from 900 ( 1,000) to 1,300 ( 1,500) for the brand’s luxury leather jackets.
About Roger Scoble Roger Scoble blogs about the latest gadgets, travel and luxury corinne day diary news. A graduate of UCLA, Roger loves to travel, drive luxe autos and have amazing adventures. Follow author Roger Scoble on Google .
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