Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2014 Net Euromedia, Skopje. All rights Reserved.

"New York was everything I imagined it would be. Not met me with open arms., clubmaxx The first point a gun at me and I was raped on the roof of a building that drag me threatening me with a knife in his back.
"If I can be bold in your job or in your life, then I do not see much sense in existence on this planet. For me it was a trip to New York to become a true artist and to have the chance to express all their feelings without compromise, "she said.
"Most people thought I was weird and had no friends. Finally, good finish because when you're popular and you have a rich social life, you have more time to focus on their future," concluded the singer.
Confession zajachicata 2014 Net Euromedia, Skopje. All rights Reserved.

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