Sunday, March 9, 2014

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كل ابن آدم خطاء فخير الخطائين التوابون

Forgiveness is the basic thing that is very important in human life called Muslims. Without Istighfar, all Muslims will always be in a state of calm as squeezed by sin and offense. blackmen magazine models That's why we commemorate Prophet with the best people are those who repent of his words:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كل ابن آدم خطاء فخير الخطائين التوابون "Every son of Adam is guilty of the offense, and the best of the perpetrators blackmen magazine models are those who repent."-Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad. Someone whose life never comes to supplicate to repent and pray to God, there is no advantage blackmen magazine models unless his life was useless. Where possible we will receive mercy and love of God if to apply maafa and forgiveness of God through mystic and even then it is heavy Istighfar our mouths for saying it!. Many verses of God that call we always pray for forgiveness, Allah Almighty Allah says in Surah al-A'raf verse 96 says: "And (Allah will say): if the state's population, believe and do right, yea We will be open to them (All kinds of) the blessings from heaven and earth. but they rejected (the truth), blackmen magazine models and We seized them with punishment for what they have earned. " Allah says further in al-Maiidah 65-66 verse that says: "If the Book had believed and been righteous We could take away from them their evil deeds and We shall admit them to the Gardens of the full favors. And if they had stood fast (run the commands of Allah in) the Torah and the Gospel blackmen magazine models and what was revealed to them from their Lord (the Quran), they will eat (the end) of their top (sky) and bottom their feet (the earth). among them are the party of fairness, and many of them are of evil conduct. " Indeed, the prophets blackmen magazine models and messengers of Allah seeking forgiveness blackmen magazine models Their hearts are very afraid to Allah and indeed they belong from those who tasted the sweetness of faith. It would be nice if we appreciate how Istighfar the prophets and messengers, so that we can follow in their footsteps away sins. see the greatness of their faith, even if they are preserved by God from sin, yet they remain steadfast God for forgiveness, then we as slaves often complacent is certainly more demand for seeking forgiveness of Allah Prophet Adam and Hawwa, his wife apply quandary Allah for remorse and repentance when disobeying God by eating the fruit of Eternity Almighty in this syurga.Istighfar recorded by Allah in Surah al-A'raf verse 23 says: "They said:" Our Lord, we have wronged our own, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, surely we the people of the losers ". Similarly, U.S. Noah, he tested his kebenaran.Mengenai events have turned out, some of the texts have been recorded by Allah Almighty Allah says about the word Nuh U.S. in Surah Hud verse 45 says: "And Noah called upon The Lord said: "O Lord, my son is of my own family, and that promise is true, and Thou art That was the smartest judges punish the one to decide". However, he requests the U.S. is already missed Noah by God as his word in Surah Hud verse 46 says: "Allah said:" O Noah, is not of thy family (because they have lost contact with you due to contention); Indeed, carrying not good, so do you ask Me things of which you have no knowledge. actually forbid me from being the ignorant person ". Above reproach God, then the U.S. Noah supplications to Allah and pray and seek His kekeampunan. Allah Almighty says in Surah Hud verse 47 which says: He said: "O Lord, I seek to apply any of the I did not know, and if you do not forgive me and have mercy on me, I shall surely be of The lost ones ". Similarly, blackmen magazine models after God tells the story of Noah and the U.S. with his people the disaster that had befallen his people who disbelieved and success for his people

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