If I mail a money order get too high, so I yelled servant because he personally pass this bill as written. A police officer was rude, bank employee even more, the inspector is a real badass, bailiffs, the largest devil. All are personally very despicable and I can not believe that this is their job. SERVICE, wow, something new for me. In front of me on the road driving a slow idiot, but I have never heard of these restrictions. dr toledano If it says on the car driving school, which means that the car sits a professional driver. Cat jumps on the table, although he knows that the dirty feet. This she knows because she read in the news. Also, Miss knows that it must be on the table purity, this is because dr toledano this information is found somewhere in the manual. The battery of the phone is stupid, dr toledano because just give up. How dare he so stupid to think. Mature poor man is suffering from cancer, because it was such an innocent carnivores struck a cruel fate. Student did not pass grade, because it was all 11 prifesorjev extremely evil. How unfair. Outside the November cold, because the brazen nature decided that winter is coming. The poor we have to wear coats, envy us the nature of the strikes continue in the ears. Poor smoker is a victim of the perpetrator, which holds a gun to your head. This compel him to smoke. Evil workers on strike because all passengers eager not to arrive at your destination. Unbeatable optimist years ago reading that new technology will enable eternal life on Earth. So he decided to workaholism, collecting savings and enjoyment of unhappiness. ____ People have head so that it friziramo and šminkamo. dr toledano Use do not even know how. If we would not hold, we would have forgotten at home. I recall a miser, that the brain will not be spent if we use a little more. Our heads are exceptional, you could be looking in the mirror more often, but unfortunately we do not have a face. Animals do not understand, because they use instinct. I do not understand people who use instinct. Who is smarter neighbor's cat or headless man? Before me is the language issue, I use logic for a moment. If I do not, I do not even know why. I will defend their ravnanaje, although I skies most clearly what I advocate. What does the word "habit" I'm not interested. The fact that I have a head, do not need to feel. That would not apply intellect, should yet how to feel! The nature of us carries full trays, we have just seen. Funny how we have missed the purpose of vision. dr toledano Trays is a lot of rich "food" that we have indeed only watch and also we have. This is because as half a being we do not use the term. Nature always shows us the way and sending messages, and we do not want to use even the most simple logic. Surrounded us the ego is called fear. Thus we learn that we have adopted dr toledano as a habit, but now do not dare further. The poor are victims of external dr toledano fate, because we still have not used the head, in which are stored all the wonders of nature. Solutions, paths, gates, assistance dr toledano and you will not believe logic. Waiting for us, waiting to be serious, but we still prefer to wander.
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