Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pts Portugal

02/10/13 TEAM HEAD novine novine novine chempionship of Ukraine of Ukraine novine novine CUP W TURNІRІV noviny ZHІNOCHOЇ ZBІRNOЇ Ukrainy VSESVІTNІ noviny / ZAGALNІ noviny Youth TEAM BІLICHANKA NWL - main warehouse BІLICHANKA - molodіzhny warehouse BІLICHANKA - Youth ZHІNOCHA ZBІRNA of Ukraine N FUTSAL MATCHІ Igor CALENDAR 2012/2013 TABLE TURNІRNA 2013/2014 REZULTATIVNІST GRAVTSІV 2013/2014 Archive of VISTUPІV Club Sports Club Istoria "NEC Arena" Contact Club Partners Club KOMERTSІYA MULTIMEDІA VІDEOMATERІALI GALLERY FAN-SECTOR FORUM REЄSTRATSІYA GOSTOVA DRUZІ SITE POSILANNYA raine and horne north sydney CoachingFutsal - trenuvannya s Cup ZVOROTNІY reception
All materials are provided by Umphrey: May 9, 2012 - Hungary - Iran - 3:3 (1:1) - Russia - Portugal - 2:3 (1:2) 3:3 Draw, recorded in a match of Iran and Hungary, has allowed the Asian team to win the third place at the International women's tournament on mini-football. Women's Team Hungary on May 9 had his best match held in Moscow on International Women's Tournament. Hungarian managed not only to earn his first and only point, but the first to score goals.
Teams of Russia and Portugal, who beat an internal meeting for the first place of the International tournament, showed the most emotional of all the memorable match. The mood Russian girls made itself felt in the second minute when captain Maria Filisova blow actually struck out with a line near corner. Charged portugalok proved no less - fighting back from an acute angle Surnina recognized, but just to keep Ines Fernandez. On both debut goal took only four minutes. Next Scoring Play turned to the guest - a little kick from the Late Milissa radius led Portugal forward. The remaining time before the break lead by the Russian team, but soccer players in white shirts tenaciously worked at the gate. After the break the wards Evgeny Kuzmin continued to play with an advantage, but this did not prevent the owners from a missed goal. Affected and a longer bench, which is closer to the end of the fight Jorge Brash began to use to the fullest. At the very end of Olesya Didenko, taking the ball into the penalty area, gently swung round the net. The result - 3:2. Team Russia is the third consecutive year, the second at the International women's tournament. And Portugal, along with Ukraine (2010) and Spain (2011), raises the ceiling Cup winners.
Pts Portugal
6 Iran
1 2 3 4 5 Category: Zagalnі raine and horne north sydney news | Views: 1085 | Added by: NovikovSergey | Tags: indoor soccer, Student Russian women's team, dedicated to the May 9, 2011, women's futsal, International Women's Tournament | Rating: 5.0 / 1
Related news: III International Women's tournament on mini-football "9 May" Russia. 3rd International Women's Tournament - 2012. 1 day Russia. 3rd International Women's Tournament - 2012. Day 2 Head coach called the final composition. "Yellow-blue" arrived raine and horne north sydney in the capital of Russia. MT "on May 9." IRAN - UKRAINE - 1:2 (Live) Hotel "Aquarium" held an organizational meeting. Women's futsal. VIDEO. Russia - Ukraine - 3:1
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