Saturday, May 2, 2015

And you think you give up for love and soul, making gift earthly salvation. Accompanying adored (or

Adrian tiles
Îndrăgostelii merit is that to keep yourself always in attention, waiting. First to the soul that is going to wear. You're happy and you think you know why, and suddenly you trundles yourself in the joy of being; Dear you start to pay attention to the fringe of your existence; cara mengecilkan perut you begin to dissect, you look with admiration, affection and respect. Small wrinkles seem spiritual and benefits, an unexpected resource cara mengecilkan perut for concern; You stubbornly rectify them, summon your body, mind and soul to traditional cara mengecilkan perut holiday cleaning, even debut with intellectual jogging - all this to give the Other a fascinating encyclopedia, a poem of body and words. You exchangeable, as the Cartoon Network, overnight, a thief, and scouring the intellectual dowry chest, staring fascinated knee plămădeşti your hands in a prayer of kissing.
Fingers, dredges them are sensual. And then, îndrăgosteauălei hora cling gods only know or suspect (to be) of heaven, all you peasants starving beggars ("blessed are the hungry, for they shall be filled" and you have enough) and you want to gather leavened your chest all the youth.
And you think you give up for love and soul, making gift earthly salvation. Accompanying adored (or adored, liking and inclination) thinking, leads to a certainty of feeling loved, valuable, worthy of wearing the Kantian denominativul of "person", in other words to be a being equal humanity of you, which deserves cara mengecilkan perut and receives respect, attention, recognition and loyalty.
And you hope you'll be with her for the rest of the being your breath on earth and forever, beyond the clouds. Do implant after your sole romantic barefoot in the dust - blind life. When a melancholy dream, they're longing to destroy you. When you find it realistic that you tried to assure robust cara mengecilkan perut soul (you can not love you, and soul) and the uncertain future of your friend - you want to give them the feeling that "everything will be fine with We ".
You pray to learn free from sorrow and you try to keep yourself strong, warm, generous, for it to drink from you and a zbughească to immortality. You do not care who you bleeding heart stones - stones longing remoteness, mărginirii that she has left behind, Solomon's Stones cara mengecilkan perut in Brasov - that's because most of your hot shake concerning trivial, but the capital cara mengecilkan perut "tomorrow" She is the only soul in the universe that you disintegrate fiber Noica's speech about being in infinite melancholy molecules, grace, suction ...
You look in the eyes of snow and warm your eyes think love intimidate snowflakes that fall disoriented in a revolutionary scrimmage on glia part of you, the land that you yourself and that you embrace, you strîngându soul chest. You have a sneaking thought that fresh soul, which is due loved that you did not want to sell it, for ever and ever, Amen.
At the foot of her îndrăgosteaoleu-your people and seem exceedingly warm and good (and so i was God or be appearing and from there de Sus), if you wish, you can crush your happiness. He urges them to love, discover all sorts of geometric theories on love - you metamorphosis in the cube or cylinder - for that she, fall in love, move your soul coils on a closed circuit, making a prisoner of your innate cara mengecilkan perut longing to be loved to be, even for an eternity in the heart in one's body, your eyebrows being raised to heaven, kissing them in worship tresses cloudy. All you hidden gods, Amoratule, and you worship come alive as each altar, waiting for a sign from them Gods to give you and love you, as an offering. No? Love is sacrifice that you decide to dispose, hoping to become a sacred vestment for a man peuntru aa Being Single.
Feelings, our soul, our emotional cara mengecilkan perut intelligence saves us from fear that you or I have to be, in reality, simply a body over which arrives like a cot, the other over a tired being lonely after compulsory program , is laid selfishly seeking their own pleasure and mental comfort of nesingurătăţii, following that, very soon, when you will be refreshed and satisfied to stand up and to start one eternal traveler on the road and selfish.
Genuine love turns him on the other a rest our bones recluse opportunity for our longing to be held in the arms or, worse, physiological downloads. Obviously Freud can not be contained - but most of the biology of us, every dream, or

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