T im Inspectorate LAN Inspector Mrs. Etty Kurniasih led by the coordinator Mr Mulyana cosmpolitan magazine along with Mr. Yusuf Gunawan, Mr Afrizal, Mariyam and Bu Bu Yayah Mulyadin on 14 to 19 June 2009 was the Central Office for Research cosmpolitan magazine and Education and Training Apparatus III Institute of Public Administration Samarinda. As usual the arrival of the team inspectorate to carry out inspections and financial oversight. In his presentation, Mrs. Etty Kurniasih stated Inspector Internal Control System at the Institute of Public Administration, as a whole, which is reflected in the performance indicators Inspectorate considered quite good. Management of Non-Tax Revenues (non-tax) on Spimnas cosmpolitan magazine and PIM I was considered feasible. Opening and Closing Training no liability (PIM II) that still keeps the flaws in the program (quality). In addition, the utilization of the results of the study as an intangible asset should be recorded in the Notes to Financial Statements (CaLK). Administration of State Property (BMN) and the internal bookkeeping is still considered less orderly. It happened at Unit Samarinda and Bandung while in Jakarta considered good. Physical development / construction in Samarinda are satker addendum / diversion of contractors so that not only impact on the financial statements but also on performance reports so that the solution is the need for the integration of reporting. Merger report BMN (Echelon I level and Budget Users will be Housekeeping and Supplies / Secretariat and report cosmpolitan magazine this as a preparation BMN Financial Statements (Balance Sheet). Special treatment (special treatment) in the context of the organization due to limited normative framework so over the leadership factor (the man of the behind). Another problem occurred on Budget Travel Currency Department of the Interior. All the above conditions make introspection on ratings unqualified (WTP) that is given to institutions that are skeptical or proud.
Based on Law No.15 of 2004, Internal Audit shall submit the results of the examination of the State Audit Board (BPK) as much as two times. It requires a commitment to the organization and a commitment to professionalism. The issue is the independence of the auditor and not at the level of cooperative institutions audited. Reward and punishment (Decree cosmpolitan magazine concerned will be made in the near future) for financial cosmpolitan magazine management so requires synergy between cosmpolitan magazine Financial Statements and Activity Reports as quality mirror accountability. It can be concluded that the portrait is of Tim Inspectorate agencies, cosmpolitan magazine in this case the Internal Inspection System is the most important indicator, rather than the External Examiner. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the function of the internal cosmpolitan magazine control apparatus to improve the implementation of accounting and financial reporting Ministry Institute. Results of the examination of the CPC may also constitute one of the ingredients for the preparation of financial statements better and accountable and mistakes in recording does not happen again. Evaluation of the implementation of the accounting and presentation of financial statements of each Ministry Institute and provide an incentive / disincentive through budget allocations. In response, the Head of Training PKP2A III LAN Samarinda, Drs. Andi Taufik, M.Si explained there were cases of multiple interpretations and differences of perception in the eyes of budget Shipping Employees Following training, Rakortek and forth whether to self-development of employees and organizations or ordinary business trip. In addition, the assessment Unqualified be an indicator of Total Quality Management of all sub-systems in an organization. Application of Regulation No 28 describes that financial supervision is not only the task of the Inspectorate will however also be a shared responsibility satker leaders to head section. Finally the need for increased attention and affirmation of the commitment of each leader to the head of the working unit of the financial accountability in the work environment so that the audit opinion is getting better. In addition, the increase in the orderly administration of planning / budgeting, execution and accountability / financial reporting across work units as well as inventory and revaluation, the increase in the orderly cosmpolitan magazine management of government assets and use accounting information as a basis for decision making. (Goddess) cosmpolitan magazine
Representation of TD Responsibility Magazine Dr. Meiliana, SE, MM. Editor Dr. Andi Taufik, M.Si Editor / Editor Ir. H. Akhmad Sirodz, Graphic Design & Photographer MP Mohammed Abdi Rahman S. Sos., M.Si Mohammed Harry Rahmadi, S.Pi., MM Sudjoko, SE Secretariat Isnaeny Ramadan, S. Sos., MM Lina Maulana, S.Sos , Lany Erinda Ramadhanie, S.Sos Publisher: Education & Training Apparatus PKP2A III LAN Jl. HM. Ardans, SH (Ring Road III), Sempaja Samarinda (0541) 7040851-52 Fax. (0541) 737983 Website: samarinda.lan.go.id e-mail: diklataparatur@gmail.com
2012 (1) DES (a 1) 2011 (10)
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