Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thus, men were alone by their proximity to female connotations, custody and upbringing work by the

Thread menu Our topics Job Education Feminist Theories violence interventions economics Social Policy Men in Social Work - More men in social work? Sex Justice Social inequalities Bio-political woman magazine uk racism breadwinner model family allowance for the unemployed horror family policy fathers months child poverty youth work-life balance Nurseries basic income parents Money Technology
From a feminist perspective was and is the gender issue in social work in the tenor, woman magazine uk therefore, to investigate the existing gender order with the disadvantage look critically, with the goal of visible and appropriate to honor the feminine gender and its positioning and scandalizing deprivation conditions. woman magazine uk The question of the males (as subjects) in Social Work may complete woman magazine uk this perspective and may also help some new ideas on the subject of: to put care work and gender. A similar opportunity is the discussion about men in childcare centers.
The theme of "Women in Social Work" is now possibly elicit us only a slight yawn and a complimentary facial expression. Not only we are well informed about the traditionally anchored femininity of the staff in the social woman magazine uk professions. Working women made there in 2007 of 83%, ie, a number that was about twice as high as their share of the total employment. But we are also aware of the unique sex Konnotierungen of social work. This is indicated in the science used headlines such as "Social work as a profession female", "motherhood as a profession", "social workers - a majority that behaves as a minority," "Social work as a socialization of female domestic work" out. Sexual performance is crystal woman magazine uk clear, the callee are always women.
With the beginning of the Second women's movement, the Beforschung and detect the gender order began in Social Work: It became clear that the offers of youth work were mostly geared towards boys; male perpetrator in the context of sexual violence has been demonstrated and denounced; the extremely low proportion of women in management positions has been demonstrated; different forms of deviations of male and female clientele and their very different perceptions and evaluations were brought to light; the typical male and female domains in the profession and in social practice (Pre-primary contra prison work and street work, relationship work versus management of the social) was attention paid to the negotiation of gender issues traditionally as "special" or "extra issue" in teaching and training has been questioned ,
Meanwhile, we are dealing with a new gender debate in relation to the professionals: 2010/2011 attracted the launched by the competent Ministry and largely financed by the European Social Fund campaign "MORE men in childcare centers" quite a stir and promoted controversial debates about gender roles in social work. The extreme marginalization of male professionals in this field of practice (2.5% skilled workers and 5.7% line) may be due in large part to the doing gender regime, namely that raising children (as well as care for the elderly) applies such as typical female labor that men as educators (and nurses) are twice even three times stigmatized feel / or. be interpreted by: unattractive working conditions / low pay / low status plus "unmanly" work content.
Thus, men were alone by their proximity to female connotations, custody and upbringing work by the ideals of hegemonic masculinity far away (wimp Sozialfuzzi, Schwuli ...), thus devalued and would therefore ask you to be a man particularly to the test. Studies on the elementary level and to care for the elderly in fact show that men in these fields emphasize the difference woman magazine uk to her colleagues emphasize their particular woman magazine uk usefulness as a man, and that the fellow men like to commit to gender-typical woman magazine uk activities (caretaker, force labor, bolts ...).
Precisely at this point is the media / political / technical debate on the topic: woman magazine uk "Men in day care centers" to: your output they took in response to the speech of the boy as modernization losers, as the PISA study had formulated it. The argumentative basic figure looks something like this: boys are now per se but without woman magazine uk being addressed differentiations such as ethnic and social backgrounds, modernization losers.

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