Saturday, December 27, 2014

The problem arises when you translate texts laying on empirical correctness and a correct sophistic

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Sometimes, when I once again removed me from the "feminist Burn Out", I read on feminist websites. I often stumble over it probably familiar to you, but this is not me come before my eyes, or I considered at the time to be insignificant. Today I am again on the website
A "101" is in English, the term for an "opening statement". Our project aims to overcome language barriers and provide translations by great feminist texts a reference book for English speakers.
The problem arises when you translate texts laying on empirical correctness and a correct sophisticates black hair magazine view of social conditions sophisticates black hair magazine in the original version sophisticates black hair magazine not worth very much. Texts that are inconsistent, incorrect and virulent from the beginning, should not also serve in other languages to incite people propaganda. I punish me even once and go two smaller texts of the website Feminism sophisticates black hair magazine 101 by. However, I will only briefly skim. More, these texts are not worth it. Accused of "patriarchy" not sweeping all men?
Patriarchy: One of the most fail-understood concepts of critical theory. Patriarchy is an ancient and persistent form of society based on traditions and elitism (a hierarchy of inferiority), privileges, and the subordination of women through strict expectations of gender roles that limit their personal development.
Well, first of patriarchy becomes established as a concept of critical sophisticates black hair magazine theory correctly. This one might well produce a scientific reference. Directly afterwards but the concept is converted into a really existing form of society. From theory to an alleged reality in two sets. There are no Source citations for the concept of a critical theory, nor is there evidence sophisticates black hair magazine of a patriarchy that allegedly existed since ancient times. That's feminist rhetoric. It brings science into play, will not be discussed further on.
Then it continues with an unoccupied lasting talk about gender roles. Feminism is based on a rhetoric that allows to have alleged facts appear pseudo-scientific clouded. There are different feminist sophisticates black hair magazine tricks. One is, inter alia, the talk of "there is no one feminism". As a result, feminism is to be made unassailable. But we can even begin to distinguish good and bad and Nazis. There is indeed no single fascism. I hope you realize the nonsense in these statements.
Some companies are more patriarchal marked than others, but patriarchal traditions are everywhere. Not all men are patriarchs. A patriarch is a man who has power and influence. Not only about his family, in society, because of privileges that others are attributed to him by reason of age, performance, Ethnicity, support ("Boys sophisticates black hair magazine Club") and of the Exploitation of birth are available.
Okay. The struggle of the feminists is like Don Quixote thus tilting at windmills; then "patriarchal traditions are everywhere." We men are so everything traditionalists. What I ask from this explanation, however: If only a man with power, influence, etc. not only about his family, etc. is a patriarch, women have been excluded from the term, even if they have power, importance, etc., is then the term of the patriarch not sexist from the beginning, because it applies only to men? What are women with such properties?
Men have within the traditional hierarchy simply a place above the women of what use patriarchs themselves to the raisins to peck out. Men (as a group) benefit more from the injustices of patriarchy than women (as a group).
Exactly, men have within the traditional hierarchy simply a place to women. As simple as this website says so. This is probably also the reason why men just allow it to die before women, just as kill in greater numbers than women do, just so more likely sophisticates black hair magazine to die of cancer or during working hours by an accident at work, etc. That's sophisticates black hair magazine just simply that. Therefore, it writes a feminist also just so down.

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