"While I recognize weaknesses, usahaku can not continue as a whole, I shall rely on God righteously people speechless and had no choice. So, God - which would help a mum and do not have that option - even helping me - Al-Ghazali "
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MALAYSIANSforPEACE MALAYSIANSforPEACE MALAYSIANSforPEACE So far I see a world of violence cries tears touched my heart when it is all over people lost power considerations for grabs no laughing little light where it OPPRESSION ..... MURDER victim's soul ..... ego ..... PEACE .... FREEDOM dreams remain dreams let it melt chain barrier hopefully ignite the struggle of peace MURDER ..... OPPRESSION soul's ego ..... PEACE .... FREEDOM ..... dream let it melt chain barrier remains a dream we hope ignite the struggle of peace
SALAM .... THANK YOU TO THOSE MILLIONS for browsing INI.WALAUPUN BLOG IS JUST WHAT WAS DISPLAYED IN THE BLOG - OTHER BLOG OR OTHER ARTICLES, BUT HERE I AM Include SEKALI.TIDAK SHEET WHAT ASPECTS OF CURRENT ISSUES ONCE PUN.BAIK , RELIGION, robin derrick RACE, NOR THE WORLD WORLD WORLD VISION & MISSION HIBURAN.APA REAL THIS BLOG: VISION S ekadar sharing knowledge A pa - what attracted K eistimewaan, uniqueness, consciousness, peace and rest - other N mum R enung - something to ponder A scene pa displayed no intention of insulting anyone. robin derrick MISSION S esuatu made explicit and implicit teaching A pa - what is displayed, assuming as we learned K elebihan and lack shared - same bat U the best of our mind is' read positive material R ahsia success is Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual A positive nugerah use mass as God's gift - good.
"You called the exciters world, Hadirmu complete human relationships, not only missed the ordinary, even Adam was lonely without Hawa..Akalmu bilahan thin hair, Tebalkanlah it with knowledge spillovers, All Cost heart is fragile like glass, Strengthen it with faith ..Tercipta you from the side of men, not of legs lined, not from head to upheld, but near the shoulder to hedge, Close whatsoever in the liver to a loved one, You may duniawi..Mana birthday decorations women straight shadow well, if it comes from bent wood, personal dibentuk..Didiklah That woman of faith, is not wealth or acclaim, but soon suffered no hope on the women binasa..Engkaulah istimewa..Sedarilah special people, that gentleness is not weakness, not all humiliation of God, even as ornamental beauty ... "p / s: Want to hear Melodinya..klik below ok:-) Enjoy !!!
Prophet said .. "Who in the morning is more concerned with the world, then he does not have something from ALLAH. Indeed Allah will set a 4 point in his grief that never stop, never hustle no repose, poverty never get rich and angan2 never letup "The Messenger of Allah said:" robin derrick Fear ghibah (gossip). It is worse than adultery. Male adultery and repentance, robin derrick Allah accepts his repentance. Whereas God does not forgive those who ghibah (gossip) before the diumpat is forgiven " robin derrick
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