Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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NF-World Guest Posts feminists Matthias week NF-International Feminism Poisons Women - A Political Statement Some Basic Points About Feminism quotes Fun Media Images NON-Feminist "on the road" Images Product NOT Feminist Images Videos feminism circumcision violence dr glamour against dr glamour men gender pay gap nonfeminist - USA Men's Rights Video Podcast Blog article overview Groups / Events Contact social media
Everything obsolete "stereotypes" and here is propagated violence against dr glamour the man. (Scene with the high heel and the man at the tree.) The quality one needs to lose a word, but they're still young.
Feminism is anything but an ideology which stands dr glamour for equality. That's this week's the second video from feminist circles, representing the violence against men positive and funny.
Wool fur December 13, 2014 at 11:09
I can explain it to you: It clearly shows the importance of feminism for our culture. Feminism brings us more culturally extreme. Everywhere feminists now show violence as a means of resolving conflicts. Here they show it also artistic value. To prove feminists to a new how superior they are men us.
You can use these HTML tags and attributes: dr glamour <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> dr glamour <acronym title = ""> <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> <code> < del datetime = ""> <em> <i> <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong>
Latest dr glamour Posts NON-feminist desires: 'Nen juten slip and allet jute, huh? Antje Lann Hornscheidt discriminated against. Setting Matthias' week - Links of KW 52 Link (English): malicious, feminist quotes 2014
Latest comments wool fur you are NOT Feminist wishes: 'Nen juten slip and allet jute, huh? the Kehrseie you are NOT Feminist wishes: 'Nen juten slip and allet jute, huh? Wool fur with Antje Lann Hornscheidt discriminated dr glamour against. derdiebuchstabenzählt discriminated against in Antje Lann Hornscheidt. Raxx discriminated against in Antje Lann Hornscheidt.
Male Blogs An article about "anti-feminist" in ... Female privileges Kate Millett and the destruction of Western society Besprechnung the diatribe "Maskulismus dr glamour - ... Update: Defintionsmacht with Justice Minister dr glamour Heiko Maas Next meeting in Berlin! Clip (Fun): A MAN is 10 hours New York The Greens: Feminist, sexist Kackscheiße the world - more misandrie not work.
Quotes dr glamour Why do you think that non-feminists are "hated"? Hated by WEM, I ask here? Of feminists? Well, that's no surprise. Of course, feminists hate everything that is not part of herself. Fidel bow USA
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- Janice Erlbaum ginza houston (girl bomb):

Can men be feminists? ginza houston | Feminism 101
Anyway, there are men and women who feel uncomfortable in ideological terms, ginza houston when men call themselves feminists because it was the election to a movement of women seems to women. These groups prefer the terms pro-feminist or ally ("Allie") when referring to men who support feminism and advocate.
The debate over the terms is a rather minor controversy as a divisive issue within the global women's movement. Why some women are suspicious of men who identify themselves as "feminists"
Recently there has been a wave of "male feminist" in the forums where I post daily look. I first saw it and I thought, great! I mean, I like * Feminist inside, and I like men, so could be a mean one like this alleged hybrid of both as well. And then does so in the end, not so much.
It turned out that most of the men I know personally and a great thing made of it, to identify ginza houston themselves as feminists, either Date Rapists were Mütterfetishisten, addicted to pornography, or "Papa Bear" her frustrated, ginza houston pseudo paternal affections women pressed upon. They are some of the passive-aggressive, bevormundendsten, "handing out but can not insert" ginza houston bottles ginza houston on the planet, and pollute the women's movement from the inside out by eating every goddamn energy.
- Janice Erlbaum ginza houston (girl bomb): "Feminist Men": Oxymorons, or Simply Morons? , Sources / Further reading Orignalartikel Similar Products: FAQ: What roles men play in shoulderstand feminism? FAQ: Why do you hate feminists ginza houston men? FAQ: Are not feminists just sexists towards men? Introduction: Michael ginza houston Flood (XY Online): Pro-feminist men's FAQ Lizzie Garcha (the f-word): Men in feminism Lindsay Beyerstein (Majikthise): Men can be feminists Personal perspectives ginza houston on men "Feminist" call Chris Clarke (Creek Running ginza houston North): Why I Am Not A Feminist Jeff (Feminist Allies): Another reason ginza houston I call myself a feminist Michael Flood (XY Online): Can men be feminists? Aspazia (Mad Melancholic Feminista): Can Men Be Feminists? Twisty Faster (I Blame The Patriarchy): A Liberal Can Be A White Dude feminist? Image: Flickr
Latest Posts Accused "patriarchy" not sweeping all men? Exclude women made easy an.schläge - Flirting media mix without Creepen V-Day - International Day of Action against Violence against Women - One Billion Rising
Activism News Allies antisexism Consent Culture ginza houston Empowerment Feminism Gender Gender Gap Equalismus equality of internalized homophobia humanism sexism reading circle ginza houston times gauze men objectification patriarchy Rape culture sexism sexuality slut shaming self-determination social constructs language stereotyping Topic: privileges prejudices benevolent sexism
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

By: Adrian on August 3rd, 2014 at 11:41 am

Love Feminist vogue jobs Men ... | Everything Evolution
Damn, I scared me. I had not been prepared. This crushed, squeaky voice with the children gouvernantenhaft uplifted forefinger, crowned with bleached vogue jobs teeth that develop through dark red lipstick full effect - which may well be the subtext? An invitation to an erotic game with mum and woof or the solicitation of naughty Zoffe to read the riot? What the pick-up expert say?
But fits and matches. A screeching little voice, which is vaguely reminiscent of the news that facilitators were geschubbst from the program in the morning in Poland. vogue jobs Reason: Surveys indicate vogue jobs that most fortuitous of the voice (tone [n] age would not be inappropriate if I our women's representative in the country look to me so) only one felt: molested!
My favorite part is 0:34 to 0:42. The body language, facial expressions, intonation! vogue jobs Great! Unfortunately, vogue jobs in this short part of the "Vocal Fry" very hard to spot, which has otherwise crept into each of their sentences. But otherwise great!
The video is guantanamotauglich.
A good summary of many negative stereotypes's which will be delivered in conjunction with feminism. Could also be a parody, it is not natural, but would amount to the same thing.
If it is not attractive. You could listen to her for hours :)
Maybe not so wantonly maliciously exaggerated gender as the behind-Con Queen Sarkeesian.
By: Adrian on August 3rd, 2014 at 11:41 am
Connecting to% s
Recent Posts Swiss custody Christmas calls 116 (27/12/2014) "The typical defense reactions against feminism and the disruption of power structures" "Joseph, the anti Patriarch" Please do not normalize the stress of giving and Do ut Des yourself Mach Saturday Christmas and certainly not show that Merry you are happy Christmas 2014 "With bio-evolutionary reasons you say that I'm vogue jobs broken or sick" How sexually sex education for children should be?
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"Rape Culture" has not even a German word alpha men are attractive Attraction is not a choice attractive features and what they can do even women like sex Regarding the evolution is much misunderstood Biology vogue jobs is everywhere Biological differences between men and women blogging is fun The Baby is not a Feminist Family Law and the consequent of the man transfers becoming often overlooked in feminism Patriarchy is becoming a global conspiracy of all men but themselves hardly aware of it but they have still maintained just to annoy women the man as provider Sexual Market " Queer theory "and open questions Gender roles are so persistent because they have a biological origin Gender roles and their difficulties are the hormones to blame for everything The social sciences dazzle vogue jobs like the biology of ownership or patriarchal society Evolution Evolution is the only explanation for physical differences Evolutionary Psychology feminism Feminist basic concepts women in high positions women need to be more and more victims than men women not men quotas for women obscure vogue jobs differences Women are never to blame and must never take responsibility women standing on dominant men women want relationships Men want sex Friday Video Game is the savior feelings and their biological backgrounds counterarguments to Queer Theory homosexuality intra-sexual competition cooperation and biology vogue jobs criticism of feminism One should always open to criticism be Maskulismus girls play with dolls boys with cars and Flitzebogen men can be good fathers vogue jobs to be men people are the worst men are not women Male feminists male desires be sexist Male vs. Nature is Sexy Nurture Of course men want more sex does not always No No mate choice strategies and their biological vogue jobs foundations item

Monday, December 29, 2014

I can polemics (on top of that and in a paternalistic tone Nuhr

After the TIME also NDR Kultur now discovered the columns of Harald Stein Mart for themselves moremagazine and spread it with repetition prime times. moremagazine The journalist for the Berliner Tagesspiegel commented everything possible with a special passion but feminism and its "brutal varieties". Among the "excesses of this way of thinking" it is next to the phenomenon of political correctness moremagazine and gender equality policies and the actual or perceived increasing number of equal opportunities officer. His recent remarks about "Angry moremagazine Old Men" and the squeamishness of feminists who do not want to see that feminism moremagazine is criticizing mainstream today, of course, and as such, critical journalists have spoiled me breakfast last Saturday morning.
I can polemics (on top of that and in a paternalistic tone Nuhr'schen) comes as an intelligent conversation, poorly tolerated. The genre of opinionated commentary, which is used in print media and on the radio, has probably done more recently to a gradual discrediting of feminism as aggressive, openly homophobic slurs and chauvinistic as it circulates in the Web 2.0. These usually come from people who do not speak the rhetorical moremagazine foil and poke their peers rather an echo. The gesture ironic sovereign condescension, however, is in the arts pages at home, at Bildungsbürger_innen that up with the self and worldly-wise observer of social moremagazine life demonstratively moremagazine refer without pinching position. I do not even rule out that you could get in touch with some of them; because basically is also criticism "from outside" needed for a productive discussion of the question of the social role of feminism and the sustainability of developments that have taken place in his character. Against this option, however, is the fact that both currents, the Floretts and the club, in their ever specifically composed motivational and affective situations, distorted perceptions and consider values objections are similar in that they are the rhetorical pars pro toto -Tricksereien what they see as excesses set for the whole. Cartoon Illustrative moremagazine sidedness and versämtlichende denigration part of the arsenal of political propaganda. For both strategies and modes of expression that differentiating, deliberative argument moremagazine or confrontation with facts and research findings contribute towards them little. moremagazine
The text of the NDR framework for Mart stone column on 2 and 4. 10. forwards like this: "May I speak as an old white man to feminism? Find critics: No! Harald Stein Mart is: Yes! And it also does ". Thus the stage is already pre-prepared for the showdown and two suggested: First, that the brave Mart stone is ready even against moremagazine resistance, prohibitions and taboos break (which must nevertheless times be said; you will surely may say), secondly, that ominous "critics" are Schildmann Christina moremagazine and Anna-Katharina Messmer and their published in TIME article about the "wrath of suspended men," they do not want to admit. This is tendentious and nonsense. The TIME article attempts to typify various forms of anti-feminism and refers as an interpretation available on considerations of the US sociologist Kimmel. I personally think the more instrumental than analytical use of the abbreviation of "WHM (white heterosexual man)" questionable and the authors stay in places for my taste even arrested the polemical battle vocabulary moremagazine and thus using machinery that I see critical, but certainly a constitutive part the mass media shape the production of attention are. But that does not make sexton and shield's text, is it men or old, white or suspended, prohibit to comment moremagazine on feminism. That would be absurd.
Feminism, gender studies and related policies currently sailing against the wind. The apparent increase, but at least clearer audibility of Kritiker_innen and opponents must be taken into account when it comes to the question of the current conditions and options of feminist criticism. It isolates, as if such an arrangement moremagazine in the boxing ring, but considered misleading. The constellation of feminist criticism is not only determined by many different factors, but also by different perspectives. The diagnosis, feminism and gender and gender studies have outlived its usefulness does not come from ignorant people who already pick up what their arguments based and hide both further approaches as well as the intra-feminist critique systematically. You may well also from e

The clip shows a lot: feminists see the beard as a sign of masculinity and use a mustache to repres

NF-World Guest Posts feminists Matthias week NF-International Feminism Poisons Women - A Political Statement Some Basic Points About Feminism quotes Fun Media Images NON-Feminist "on the road" Images Product NOT Feminist Images Videos feminism circumcision wwd beauty violence wwd beauty against men gender pay gap nonfeminist - USA Men's Rights Video Podcast Blog article overview Groups / Events Contact social media
Just received a "Adorable Clip" from a feminist in production on "Street Harassment". Of course it's not in Germany "sexual harassment" or "harassment in public", would the feminists so prepare work when they steal confused ideas from the states about feminism and they would still need to translate this. Therefore, it says here: Street Harassment - Strategies # 1
The clip shows a lot: feminists see the beard as a sign of masculinity and use a mustache to represent men. However, a mustache wwd beauty contradicts the theory of the "social construction". In this respect, the ladies must abandon its gender theory wwd beauty before. Otherwise they would have indeed may "social construct" a mustache for the representation of a man.
The question of how to represent the presented treatment option for women from a feminist perspective. While the man is presented wwd beauty as verbal annoying and harassing the woman reacts violently every time. So I note: The man does not put any physical violence, but this is still taken as argument for female wwd beauty violence.
Given that even feminists who supposedly are so happy for equality, promote physical harm, how should because then the world look like if men now insist on equality of feminism and violence wwd beauty would regard wwd beauty as a legitimate wwd beauty means? Sorry, I forgot, there are already no sexism against wwd beauty men. Probably there is then no physical violence against the man.
Feminism is the man at every possible point as perpetrators of violence are. This happens both in the areas of "domestic violence" and also the subject of "rape". From this alienating and anti-male representation, a justification for female violence is then prepared.
So this is the equality of feminism - fake statistics to show the man as violent present situation, in which the husband is verbally abusive to justify physical violence by the woman. There are many other points, but this should be enough wwd beauty for the clip here. Well, now I understand the equality of feminism: women are just the same.
Clip: Finally! The reason why we need feminism. | NOT Feminist December 10, 2014 at 13:53
[...] Anything but an ideology which stands for equality. That's this week's the second video from feminist circles that violence against men positive and funny [...]
Under there I leave comments, since the announced: "sexist wwd beauty and anti-feminist comments will be deleted immediately (three are already gone)" I'll do here is a "backup copy" of it - you never know what all classified as sexist and anti-feminist will. HM first situation: are accosted at the bus station in the illustrated extreme form, I do not really know as "male behavior". As extreme wwd beauty as happens sometimes on the part apparently mentally ill, homeless or drunk. And all of these cases no way restricted to the chat up women, which then happens to a man and then just as uncomfortable. And there are just as confused women who do such a thing, even if it differs in form, it is more feminine, but no less difficult to cope with it. Well, homeless people there are of course less - 80% of the homeless are known to men. But all of these cases, whether man or woman, are especially poor pigs, as they say. And just so it falls then also hard to offend someone with such rejection. The "answer", simply entitled to a violent act and feel as someone simply with the book to draw a scare over I find empathy freed. And if I did something to witness such, I hope to have the courage and the delinquent at least tidy the opinion to say may bring the police for the purpose of an ad that would be justified in any case. Answer:
If it is "going make me a sandwich" to violence against women or they call all "is satire !!! 1111 !!!!" bac

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 (182) January (35) Kinetic frustration transfer Fundraising Legal equality Find: Women

Found at Arne, "I can not stress this more emphatically: Although Jackie's story (Alleged gang rape, see report at Arne) was partially or completely a lie is still a long anyone justification, they do not believe." How hirnverbrannt is it? "PERFECT ERLOGENES" to believe man anyway? Just because the liar's wife? Like the ancient Romans have said "In cerebrum tibi cacaverunt, permiscere autem sunt obliti." .. And now cited as authentic by the Bavarians are;-) "To those they shit and forget to stir the brain!" Hello Hinrich, but since you have set up a hornets nest with your "love" Feminist.I.nnen: "The violence expressed physically, in the form of punches and kicks, and mentally, sexist or misogynistic insults extremely well intentionally and deliberately after eight club hurtful verbal attacks on their person, their femininity (z. B. "You should grease out of your ass can transplant in the tits!"). In Hinrich Rosenbrock is a well-known sex researcher who just with his Research on anti-feminist men's rights movement has attracted much academic and media attention to themselves. The contradiction between the inquiring person Hinrich Rosenbrock, emphasizing publicly that he committed to feminist goals and the private person who holds domestic violence is a scandal. "If I look at the spell that Hinrich is accused, he seems from his "expertise" to have been cited. Would we involuntarily submit to the feminist ideology, as the inane chick in the input Tweet, we would now tar and feather all Hinrich. But we do not, because there are reasonable doubts: Obviously, the Attorney General filed no charges because the evidence is not enough. The Feminist.I.nnen have even filed charges against him (as they report at least). Oh, "dear" Hinrich: If you ever can raise your Schnabel of shit, in which you yourself have purely maneuvered you, maybe you will be able to tell us whether you "can after eight club have better sex feminists" with, yes? You seem to give the best example that the one man who crawls feminism in the ass, is rausgespuckt undigested.
2014 (182) January (35) Kinetic frustration transfer Fundraising Legal equality Find: Women's representatives can not ... Klammerbeutel Has discovered the father of the Protestant Church? Christmas lies Institutional, sexual violence! Our poor Richter.I.nnen have to waste their se ... Deleted comment on "masculine muscle-flexing" basic research, feminist! Sad, sad! The X has spoken out! New and old a ... How do I lie to an entire country! Statistics for domestic violence violence in same-sex partnerships Highly qualified women? Fathers in the lobby list in parliament Bundestag Hello! Women Quote: The quoted competence in action Gender Studies in Engineering? The Cultural Revolution erupted sleep baby sleep,! Your father love you ... Done! We have finally "sacred cows" ... men hate in politics?!? The criminal gap, we favor the "erotomaniacs madness ... 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence: Hinrich Rosenbrock ... leadership positions feminist bullshit The proportion of women: One String Till Eulenspiegel Ui" our society is misogynistic "This comment is unfortunately not allowed and will be! ni ... The rate tortures the women! Cloze Gendergeblubber? Pro (Lannx) and cons (Walter Kr ... November after eight club (35) March (37) November after eight club (37) November (12) December (9) November (15) July (2)
According to Wikipedia after eight club om OM should be "the most comprehensive and most sublime symbol of Hindu metaphysics." In the French (homme om is pronounced) and Romanian language means OM both human as well as man. As a husband and father, I have tried to remain human. I did this by complying with the laws - tries - as cast in rules morale of the people. However, to find that the rights are indeed for a man and father on paper, but do not have to apply for a father. This blog will be my modest contribution to give the father's role in the family, it deserves: - The man who gives his child values, does not transfer! View my complete profile

Saturday, December 27, 2014

And both gentlemen create something musim bunga di korea that no longer is very easy in view of the

Now it is so, the quota. After endless debates and some back and forth, the coalition has been in Berlin a law on the way, which is to apply a mandatory quota of at least 30 percent on the boards for about 100 listed companies subject to co-determination and 2016. Last could not even prevent agreement against the gibberish Family Minister Schwesig.
I have shied away from expressing myself long me about women's quota. I knew simply do not know whether to be for or against it. A whole series of arguments actually speaks against an introduction - but probably not good. Alleged Discrimination men is probably the best example musim bunga di korea of a bad argument. However, I find it very difficult to take a stand. At least I'm not alone in this: Allegedly just 27 percent of the bosses for the quota.
What bothers me about the quota system the most is that while she sends a social signal in the corporate reality, however, is likely to initially develop little effect. Finally, there is the quotation of corporate boards, that organ so that is somewhat far away is usually provided by operating activity in the economy. The more absurd proves therefore, musim bunga di korea the objection of the President of the Federation of German Industry (BDI), Ulrich Grillo that statutory quotas were generally counterproductive. Ridiculous, at least in this context.
That it probably needs a ratio signal, one is tempted when reading Kerstin collar article "woman. musim bunga di korea Board Of Directors. Suspended. "From the TIME from 11.27.2014 on. It is dedicated to the recently ousted Executive women and makes it clear that the probability of losing his position on the board of a German company higher by about 50 percent lie as a woman than in men. Here it can be found for the analysis of individual cases no real interlocutors why Women's Federation has to rely on two men: Heiner Thorborg musim bunga di korea and Thomas Berger saddle.
And both gentlemen create something musim bunga di korea that no longer is very easy in view of the ongoing issue: you make me boil. Precious recruitment consultants Thorsborg expresses its "Excellence in Executive Search 'seriously by the fact that he denies a lump sum equal to all Vorständinnen suitability. Saddle Berger, however, blames the evolved over decades male-dominated cultures musim bunga di korea for the management dilemma. Both gentlemen are on the wrong track, which is the Hern Thorsborg provided with significantly larger fragments.
Maybe it would help if we could solve the issue, despite a bit of us, for once, the woman-man dialectic. For as formative might be our biological sex, so too are the demands on working environments, qualifications and career paths and ultimately provide the reasons for the failure in certain positions and constellations. If we accept this, then we might also create musim bunga di korea something that had long comes up short in the whole debate: the appreciation of the individual. And wife or husband, no matter (!).
I can not judge, have led to the circumstances that Heidi stopper is no longer working for ProSiebenSat.1, why Bertelsmann separates musim bunga di korea from Judith Hartmann or why Angela Titzrath has left the German post office. The fact that none of the ladies like to comment on the circumstances, more significantly depends, together with how today repeal regulations are designed, as with the fact that women fail in male-dominated corporate worlds. However, the latter requires more analysis.
And so we are actually in the saddle musim bunga di korea Berger's management musim bunga di korea cultures. Although these are marked male, but knows the unease about just no sex determination. On the contrary, young women and young men feel very uncomfortable in these cultures. But the difference is that women of this fact, long been aware, while men still tend to blend in (a). There are also women in the said perceptual situation is already a media discourse space. While men find hardly an outlet musim bunga di korea for their frustration.
It is precisely at this point is a great opportunity for an equal society. By women and men finally establish a close alliance against anachronistic economic and corporate cultures, they create true progress. What is missing is a counterpart to feminism, which includes musim bunga di korea men and the same time encouraging equality feed. All other debates cement the status musim bunga di korea quo and raise trenches between the sexes, which actually never would there be so.
What does this mean for the rate? It is therefore legitimate means to an end. Perhaps it is even necessary. If we au

The problem arises when you translate texts laying on empirical correctness and a correct sophistic

NF-World Guest Posts feminists Matthias week NF-International Feminism Poisons Women - A Political Statement Some Basic Points About Feminism quotes Fun Media Images NON-Feminist "on sophisticates black hair magazine the road" Images Product NOT Feminist Images Videos feminism circumcision violence against sophisticates black hair magazine men gender pay gap nonfeminist - USA Men's Rights Video Podcast Blog article overview Groups / Events Contact social media
Sometimes, when I once again removed me from the "feminist Burn Out", I read on feminist websites. I often stumble over it probably familiar to you, but this is not me come before my eyes, or I considered at the time to be insignificant. Today I am again on the website
A "101" is in English, the term for an "opening statement". Our project aims to overcome language barriers and provide translations by great feminist texts a reference book for English speakers.
The problem arises when you translate texts laying on empirical correctness and a correct sophisticates black hair magazine view of social conditions sophisticates black hair magazine in the original version sophisticates black hair magazine not worth very much. Texts that are inconsistent, incorrect and virulent from the beginning, should not also serve in other languages to incite people propaganda. I punish me even once and go two smaller texts of the website Feminism sophisticates black hair magazine 101 by. However, I will only briefly skim. More, these texts are not worth it. Accused of "patriarchy" not sweeping all men?
Patriarchy: One of the most fail-understood concepts of critical theory. Patriarchy is an ancient and persistent form of society based on traditions and elitism (a hierarchy of inferiority), privileges, and the subordination of women through strict expectations of gender roles that limit their personal development.
Well, first of patriarchy becomes established as a concept of critical sophisticates black hair magazine theory correctly. This one might well produce a scientific reference. Directly afterwards but the concept is converted into a really existing form of society. From theory to an alleged reality in two sets. There are no Source citations for the concept of a critical theory, nor is there evidence sophisticates black hair magazine of a patriarchy that allegedly existed since ancient times. That's feminist rhetoric. It brings science into play, will not be discussed further on.
Then it continues with an unoccupied lasting talk about gender roles. Feminism is based on a rhetoric that allows to have alleged facts appear pseudo-scientific clouded. There are different feminist sophisticates black hair magazine tricks. One is, inter alia, the talk of "there is no one feminism". As a result, feminism is to be made unassailable. But we can even begin to distinguish good and bad and Nazis. There is indeed no single fascism. I hope you realize the nonsense in these statements.
Some companies are more patriarchal marked than others, but patriarchal traditions are everywhere. Not all men are patriarchs. A patriarch is a man who has power and influence. Not only about his family, in society, because of privileges that others are attributed to him by reason of age, performance, Ethnicity, support ("Boys sophisticates black hair magazine Club") and of the Exploitation of birth are available.
Okay. The struggle of the feminists is like Don Quixote thus tilting at windmills; then "patriarchal traditions are everywhere." We men are so everything traditionalists. What I ask from this explanation, however: If only a man with power, influence, etc. not only about his family, etc. is a patriarch, women have been excluded from the term, even if they have power, importance, etc., is then the term of the patriarch not sexist from the beginning, because it applies only to men? What are women with such properties?
Men have within the traditional hierarchy simply a place above the women of what use patriarchs themselves to the raisins to peck out. Men (as a group) benefit more from the injustices of patriarchy than women (as a group).
Exactly, men have within the traditional hierarchy simply a place to women. As simple as this website says so. This is probably also the reason why men just allow it to die before women, just as kill in greater numbers than women do, just so more likely sophisticates black hair magazine to die of cancer or during working hours by an accident at work, etc. That's sophisticates black hair magazine just simply that. Therefore, it writes a feminist also just so down.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Genderama ist das Blog des linken Flügels der antisexistischen Männerbewegung (Maskulismus). Es wird

Genderama ist das Blog des linken Flügels der antisexistischen Männerbewegung (Maskulismus). Es wird von Arne Hoffmann betrieben. Arne Hoffmann ist Mitglied von AGENS und MANNdat. "Auf die Revolutionäre von heute werden keine Scharfschützen mehr angesetzt, Attentate zielen heute auf den Ruf eines Gegners." (Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam)
Within minutes I found myself passing the university bars. Music pounded through the night air with the sound of enthusiastic chatter fashionista magazine from punters. Dodging a taxi, I crossed the road and continued toward the shop. My nose throbbed and blood still trickled down over my chin onto my, already, fashionista magazine stained T-shirt. I'd given up wiping it away with my wrist, it wasn't stopping. Head down, I attempted to pass a group walking toward me, but suddenly felt hands on my shoulders. "Oh my god, mate, are you okay?" I tried to tell them I was fine, but they were having none of it. The guy was a paramedic and stood me to the side. His girlfriend dug around in her bag for tissue fashionista magazine which he used to help me. I explained that I live nearby and was heading to the shop when some men decided they were jealous of my face and thought they'd mess it up. They insisted fashionista magazine I notify the police. I didn't. The truth is, I had been assaulted by my girlfriend in our kitchen. It wasn't the first time she'd punched me. It wasn't the first time I had lied about it. And later that night, it wouldn't be the first time I'd return home to her apology fashionista magazine and give her a forgiving cuddle. Hier geht es weiter. Lesenswert. Ich bin immer noch dabei zu verarbeiten, dass ein so starker Artikel in einem Mainstream-Medium wie der Huffington Post erscheinen kann.
Previous Posts Grüne: Früherer Büroleiter von Tom Koenigs wegen s... Schweiz: "Gender" offiziell aus Lehrplan entfernt fashionista magazine ... Indien: Wikipedia soll mit Blick auf LGBT-Anliegen... fashionista magazine Bürgermeister von London bezieht Stellung zum #Shi... Harald Martenstein: "Die Macht der Straße" Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Sind fashionista magazine Frauen die besseren ... USA Today berichtet über Shirtgate: "Der Niedergan... Esther J. Capeda in der Washington Post: "Warum ei... "Time"-Magazin bittet um Verzeihung für Abstimmung... Feministische Säuberungen bei Twitter haben begonn...
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The 1995, cover of an emancipatory in an unfair privileges to women

Günter Buchholz: Only my experience as a university teacher since 1994 has meant that I ever had to deal with it. The elections for university committees ginza contacts and the appointment procedures for new professorships here were essential.
The experience of the substantial and increasing influence of women's representative has carefully before using me, skeptical and finally make critical. After 1995, the year of the World Conference on Women in Beijing, was increasingly equality policy speech, and political pressures have grown markedly.
In 2003, our nationally recognized and awarded ongoing faculty in Hildesheim was not closed by the Bureau ginza contacts causal account of the gender equality policy, ginza contacts but in a non-negligible indirect connection with it. The official reason was fiscal nature.
Günter Buchholz: ginza contacts The second women's movement, particularly since 1968, took up rightly remains of a traditional discrimination against women and urged civil society in conflict successfully ginza contacts corrections in criminal and family law. This process continued until the achievement of full equality. If we disregard the Catholic priesthood, the second women's movement had thus reached their goal.
The third women's movement, which began in 1995 with the World Conference on Women in Beijing, was under the keyword "gender mainstreaming" achieve more and something quite different, namely, power, and alone is the objective of gender equality policy. It is not derived from a social philosophy but refers to the post-modern ginza contacts philosophy, especially the discourse theory of Foucault.
Günter Buchholz: Left policy is its self after emancipation, ie a self-emancipation of social subjects of unfree social relations. So, it aims to freedom (liberté), and aim, in the spirit of the target triangle of the Great French Revolution, at the same time for equality (egalité) and community (fraternité). These three goals are interdependent and can not be isolated from each other without ginza contacts gross distortion, but this is done.
Today's society that has been reshaped by a decades-long hegemony of neo-liberalism (in the sense of Friedrich August von Hayek and Milton Friedman's) in a market society is a society in which the growing freedom of the socially underprivileged and with increasing inequality, with decreasing communality connects with authoritarian and illiberal tendencies. It is therefore always unjust and at the same time always of crises, and it is therefore not sustainable. At right, liberalism is indeed power politics still held, but in fact it is theoretically and empirically failed.
In this situation, a left-wing politics is such that demands more social equality and more commonality and at the same time more freedom for non-privileged, that is, the overwhelming majority of the population. Therefore, it is here to an exemplary democratic politics.
A. Ulfig: In your articles do not indicate the gender equality policy as a left, but as a right-wing policies. The surprising at first glance, because in the public ginza contacts opinion of feminism and emerged from their equality policies are referred to as the left. How do you justify because your thesis?
Günter ginza contacts Buchholz: It is important to see that the political right in the broad sense inequality positively evaluated and therefore promotes and practices, while the political left in the broad sense of equality positively evaluated and promoting them.
Equality policies of the third women's movement aims to overturn the long-reaching equality between men and women by privileging of women by means of a discrimination against men. A politics of privilege and discrimination is objectively right-wing policies, which is in contrast to a left politics.
The 1995, cover of an emancipatory in an unfair privileges to women's issues, ie from the second to the third women's movement, although in at the ideological level also of significant changes, but the traditional feminist ideas, perspectives and opinions continue to be used and legitimize now with emancipatory an anti-emancipatory rhetoric, unfair privileges and discriminatory policies. The subjective perception and expression of contemporary feminism thus contradicts the objective of gender ginza contacts equality policy.
Günter Buchholz: "gender mainstreaming" is the guiding principle. The gender policy has been not conceptually or theoretically, but practically politically-derived therefrom

Thursday, December 25, 2014

2014 (173) June (26) January (35) Creepy Male victims are ridiculed

There seems to be an open secret that the bitter frustration of a bitter, feminist minority who realized that their own feminist agenda not washed in leadership positions, triggered the call for women's quota. The discussion on the gender pay gap is due to the bitter frustration of the feminist group that despite e-man pation is not attained an to beat out their jobs more capital. The focus on violence against women while ignoring the power of women is a clear sign of frustration: Man wants to represent the man as exploiters, as poor people to transform the political frustration into political capital. The man must already clear: It is the victim card played to come to power and to secure privileges! Instead what reasonable to learn and bring scientific contributions that allow mankind the advancement such. As Matt Taylor, go here "demonstrate". Such ladies who call for rate, man must say clearly: "Blame yourself!" After all, us men is so accused estarguapa that we ourselves would blame that there are 90% of single mothers. Since there is more than justified to call for equal rights estarguapa with the same right to failure for both sexes, estarguapa is not it? However, the women adopt straight from the Basic Law: - The proportion of women coming! - The rate of frustrated feminists! - This socialism has triumphed! Elena Ceausescu was also a token woman. estarguapa Their scientific "benefits" were provided. But not by themselves. Eventually the odds, women are also set up at the German Patent Office now: "All wheels stand still until the token woman wants to invent!"
2014 (173) June (26) January (35) Creepy Male victims are ridiculed "society is anti-women"? Help: The Quote "tortures" the poor women! The SPD of Aristokrat.I.nnen hijacked! All men must die Missing quota for women discovered November a month of violent action: Enquiry with the help of the phone! estarguapa Feminist frustration into action Hello, where is the equality! Battle of the sexes is unconstitutional After unisex rates now unisex estarguapa Prices correct domestic violence silence come Ideologically in the forest - er Bundestag! U is for he "Why do you think" the pear is hollow? The gap in Criminal Action International Day for Men: The Stockholm Synd ... censorship even with chip Political Science? Solidarity gender righteous with Dr. Matt Taylor basic research Quote of the day Germany world leader in quality journalism rape "You moron!" Pictures of discrimination! Climate change? Legal chain reaction What causes "he for she"? Angry White Heterosexual Men? New Stereotypes The CDU has blossomed into women's party violence against estarguapa women, "Who has the money March (37) November (37) November (12) June (9) has the Ma ... Legal logic in March? (15) July (2)
According to Wikipedia om OM should be "the most comprehensive and most sublime symbol of Hindu metaphysics." In the French (homme om is pronounced) and Romanian language means OM both human as well as man. As a husband and father, I have tried to remain human. I did this by complying with the laws - tries - as cast in rules morale of the people. However, to find that the rights are indeed for a man and father on paper, but do not have to apply for a father. This blog will be my modest contribution to give the father's role in the family, it deserves: - The man who gives his child values, does not transfer! View my complete profile

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thus, men were alone by their proximity to female connotations, custody and upbringing work by the

Thread menu Our topics Job Education Feminist Theories violence interventions economics Social Policy Men in Social Work - More men in social work? Sex Justice Social inequalities Bio-political woman magazine uk racism breadwinner model family allowance for the unemployed horror family policy fathers months child poverty youth work-life balance Nurseries basic income parents Money Technology
From a feminist perspective was and is the gender issue in social work in the tenor, woman magazine uk therefore, to investigate the existing gender order with the disadvantage look critically, with the goal of visible and appropriate to honor the feminine gender and its positioning and scandalizing deprivation conditions. woman magazine uk The question of the males (as subjects) in Social Work may complete woman magazine uk this perspective and may also help some new ideas on the subject of: to put care work and gender. A similar opportunity is the discussion about men in childcare centers.
The theme of "Women in Social Work" is now possibly elicit us only a slight yawn and a complimentary facial expression. Not only we are well informed about the traditionally anchored femininity of the staff in the social woman magazine uk professions. Working women made there in 2007 of 83%, ie, a number that was about twice as high as their share of the total employment. But we are also aware of the unique sex Konnotierungen of social work. This is indicated in the science used headlines such as "Social work as a profession female", "motherhood as a profession", "social workers - a majority that behaves as a minority," "Social work as a socialization of female domestic work" out. Sexual performance is crystal woman magazine uk clear, the callee are always women.
With the beginning of the Second women's movement, the Beforschung and detect the gender order began in Social Work: It became clear that the offers of youth work were mostly geared towards boys; male perpetrator in the context of sexual violence has been demonstrated and denounced; the extremely low proportion of women in management positions has been demonstrated; different forms of deviations of male and female clientele and their very different perceptions and evaluations were brought to light; the typical male and female domains in the profession and in social practice (Pre-primary contra prison work and street work, relationship work versus management of the social) was attention paid to the negotiation of gender issues traditionally as "special" or "extra issue" in teaching and training has been questioned ,
Meanwhile, we are dealing with a new gender debate in relation to the professionals: 2010/2011 attracted the launched by the competent Ministry and largely financed by the European Social Fund campaign "MORE men in childcare centers" quite a stir and promoted controversial debates about gender roles in social work. The extreme marginalization of male professionals in this field of practice (2.5% skilled workers and 5.7% line) may be due in large part to the doing gender regime, namely that raising children (as well as care for the elderly) applies such as typical female labor that men as educators (and nurses) are twice even three times stigmatized feel / or. be interpreted by: unattractive working conditions / low pay / low status plus "unmanly" work content.
Thus, men were alone by their proximity to female connotations, custody and upbringing work by the ideals of hegemonic masculinity far away (wimp Sozialfuzzi, Schwuli ...), thus devalued and would therefore ask you to be a man particularly to the test. Studies on the elementary level and to care for the elderly in fact show that men in these fields emphasize the difference woman magazine uk to her colleagues emphasize their particular woman magazine uk usefulness as a man, and that the fellow men like to commit to gender-typical woman magazine uk activities (caretaker, force labor, bolts ...).
Precisely at this point is the media / political / technical debate on the topic: woman magazine uk "Men in day care centers" to: your output they took in response to the speech of the boy as modernization losers, as the PISA study had formulated it. The argumentative basic figure looks something like this: boys are now per se but without woman magazine uk being addressed differentiations such as ethnic and social backgrounds, modernization losers.

And in this sense, men can benefit from feminist analysis, durban july fashion because these aspect

My timeline is divided over what to make of this speech. Some cheer: Wow, a nice feminist who does not complaining about the men, but she wants to get into the boat. The others are annoyed: Feminism is finally not there to be found by men great as to whose judgment it is here but for once, just do not.
In my opinion, it's not about feminism Gender Equality (like Emma Watson asserts in her speech), but female freedom, ie to the subjectivity of women just without the scale of a male norm. The emancipation, ie the equality of women with men was how Luisa Muraro once put it, entirely predictable in a (male) culture, which has chosen the equality of people for over 200 years to its mission statement. That the women were so long excluded from this equality does not alter the fact that the equality of women was a logical and inevitable consequence durban july fashion of the male idea of equality. durban july fashion It was only a matter of time before they had to come of it.
The freedom of women, durban july fashion the female subjectivity, however, is not provided for in this symbolic order. It is actually something unforeseen, which only came to light with the women's movement. And this freedom stands just NOT by the equality of women with men, but rather the contrary, the fact that women follow their own desires, beliefs and ideas and take them seriously, regardless of whether they are of the view of the world and the ideas men are compatible or not. If they are, the better you can work together. If they are not, there is a set of political conflicts unsubscribe.
On the other hand, alliances with men still useful and necessary. For indeed, are so many men with the patriarchal symbolic order dissatisfied because they the good life of all people is not beneficial in many ways. By that I mean not only that men also suffer from gender stereotypes, something "have feminism". That's true, but it is only a small part of the truth, because in many other ways they profit indeed from the stereotypes, that is, feminism is contrary to their interests.
But politics is still searching for a good coexistence of all people and not just lobbying for their own interests. People with a political consciousness, with love for the world and therefore with a sense of justice, give not content to follow in this world only their own benefits. But you are looking for meaning in all of this, which extends beyond their own little nose.
And in this sense, men can benefit from feminist analysis, durban july fashion because these aspects and open up perspectives and make available the by itself may not have made. I do not know just masse, but quite a number of men who discuss for this reason durban july fashion happy with feminists who read feminist texts for the views and analyzes of women interested durban july fashion in who are really interested in an exchange.
And these men are quite important allies of the women's durban july fashion movement, because - simply because of their masculinity - have options durban july fashion that I have not because I'm a woman. This can be something as mundane durban july fashion as the fact that other men rather listen durban july fashion to them than me. This is obviously unfair, but complain that changes nothing in the ratios tend to be, as they are. As long as this feminist thinking men do not require cookies for her commitment from me, I am delighted when they find somewhere hearing, where it can not.
But it is not only that. There are also situations in which men listen to me though, but I can not make myself understood them. For example, because I was in they actually can not put myself because I do not understand where your problem is. And I'm not anti-feminists who do not want me for ideological reasons understand but I mean those in which I see a real interest, but I can not give them just what I want to say it is lacking a common level of understanding.
In such cases, I'll be glad when men take this mediation work, because I have often observed that they'll find words and examples and arguments that act, and simply would not have occurred durban july fashion to me. To have such "Allies" durban july fashion is a good thing.
Only once as comprehension question. If the equality in the "male" philosophy is applied slowly implemented because things just not always go fast, what exactly is the problem of "female subjectivity" in the end * inclusive * So no more "male & #

Monday, December 8, 2014

Vinnytsia Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kirovohrad Kyiv Lutsk Lviv Mykolaiv Odesa Poltava

Network undermined impressive video as fighter "slides" over the heads of people earn 1/12 How many ministers of the new government. Infographics 2/12 In the capital, established a 24-meter real tree, which after the holidays will be sold at auction 3/12 separatists Pushylin was head pro Party 4/12 Donetsk threw 50 bags of cut UAH - journalist Spiegel 5/12 New insanity Russian propaganda: ATO advised hair styes soldiers warm "blood hair styes of babies" 6/12 Irina hopes to help caring! Motorola shot 7/12 8/12 Former Russian volunteer hair styes people's representatives could get a month for three or four salary 9/12 Inna Zavgorodniy need treatment! 10/12 4-year-old Sasha hopes to help! 11/12 The soldiers advanced with ATO sang a song and answer for leading TSN 12/12 Ledge died in Death Valley. In the United States in the national park in Death Valley was found the body of 50-year-old actor Dave Ledge, who played in several films of "Harry Potter."
Body found two tourists Ledge 3-4 days after his death. He was taken to the morgue by helicopter. The police reported that the actor died from the heat, doing hiking. The temperature in Death Valley can reach the mark of 50 degrees Celsius.
Dave Ledge played in "Harry Potter" werewolf Fenrir Gray, who was among the Death Eaters, a group of dark wizards followers of Lord Volan de Mort. He also played small roles in films such as "Snatch," "Batman Begins," "Centurion".
Vinnytsia Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kirovohrad Kyiv Lutsk Lviv Mykolaiv Odesa Poltava Rivne Simferopol Sumy Ternopil Uzhgorod Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkassy Chernivtsi more 0 -1 day after tomorrow -1
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Santa Dimopulos recovered 10 kilograms and pohyzuvalasya new body 6 | 1 | 6 | 1 | Lorak, "VIA Gra" with Valeria and Kobzon were in Moscow 1 | 0 | 5 | 0 | Kobzon best friend hair styes in Ukraine tried to explain the behavior of the artist 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | Danylko admitted that he does not want a family, I feel bad and I do not want anyone near 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | Angelina Jolie knelt down in front of his fan 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Russia equips the East Ukraine new humanitarian convoy playlist inhabitants of the village for two years require that they resumed moving through tracks Poroshenko began his Asian tour at Sony Hackers need not produce a rolled film about Kim Jong-ying G7 countries are discussing the possibility of providing financial assistance to Ukraine Package
Leading TSN made a touching gift defenders of Ukraine Armed Forces Day in Brazil desperate Santa Claus made Christmas tattoos all over his body in US plane fell on a house, killing three people 24-meter high tree adventures got to Sophia Square Main Tree Ukraine for cheaper " Elka "and decorations will be free
Articles in the "views" are printed language of the author. hair styes News Ukraine and the world - from news Latest news politics, economy, sports and showbiz photos and videos - all exclusive to this site "Map" Also read our News on russkoyazыchnoy version. "Map" All rights reserved. Any copying, reproduction, republication or redistribution of information containing the reference to UNIAN, RIA Novosti, Reuters, Interfax-Ukraine, Ukrainian News, AFP, is strictly prohibited. Reprinting of all other materials, including video, and quoting any information from the TV channel 1 + 1, is permitted only with reference to For online publications binding is direct, open to search engines hyperlink in the first paragraph on a particular news or material. Editorial site allows users to embed and view video content using the media player 1 + 1 using Embed-code provided direct hyperlink to Storage and bring to the public of the video content is made directly on server hardware edition of the site and does not involve the actual placement of video on a site or third party equipment. Posts tagged with "Advertising", "News", "News" hair styes published as advertisements. Editorial can not share the author's position the "look" and is not responsible for the content authors the "Blogs".

Militants opened fire 55 times from artillery and rocket harpers mag systems for ATO forces: 1/12 i

Militants opened fire 55 times from artillery and rocket harpers mag systems for ATO forces: 1/12 is dead 4-year-old harpers mag Sasha hopes to help! Former 2/12 people's representatives could get a month for three or four salary 3/12 Irina hopes to help caring! 4/12 24-meter high tree adventures got to Sophia Square 5/12 How many ministers earn new government. Infographics 6/12 Inna Zavgorodniy need treatment! 7/12 In Donbass found bodies of three henchmen former leader of the militants Bezlera - Timchuk 8/12 in schools "FSC" will no longer harpers mag teach the history of Ukraine 9/12 In, soldier conscripts are not allowed harpers mag to demobee and forced to sign contracts 10/12 Donetsk all weekend shivered from attacks, 10 civilians were killed in Russia 11/12 in the morning once again collapsed ruble 12/12 Charles celebrates birthday today First Lady of France was born in Turin. In five years, moved with his family to Paris. She studied in a boarding school in Switzerland, later joined the faculty at the University of Paris art and architecture.
In 19 years, Charles decided to try their hand at modeling. In 90 years Bruni was one of the most successful models of the world. In addition, Charles harpers mag starred in several films, including the film Paparazzi (1988) Catwalk 1995. In 1999, Bruni invited popular French singer Zhyul'yenu clerk his songs. They are so like him that were included in his album.
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Vinnytsia Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kirovohrad Kyiv Lutsk Lviv Mykolaiv Odesa Poltava Rivne Simferopol Sumy Ternopil Uzhgorod Kharkiv Kherson harpers mag Khmelnytsky Cherkassy Chernivtsi more -3 day after tomorrow 0 -1
Danylko told about sleep problems, alcohol and Kyiv called "prison" 0 | 21 | 14 | 21 | Santa Dimopulos recovered 10 kilograms and pohyzuvalasya new body 0 | 1 | 6 | 1 | Lorak, "VIA Gra" harpers mag with Valeria and Kobzon were in Moscow 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | Kobzon best friend in Ukraine tried to explain the behavior of the actor 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | Danylko admitted that he does not want a family, I feel bad and I do not want anyone near 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Fifty "cyborgs" returned from the zone of ATO in Zhytomyr Lugansk days promise to take five hundred children Stephen Poltorak substantiate the need for the fourth wave of partial mobilization third day of tense protests in Parliament winery plans to do urgent laws
Home Tree Ukraine cheaper than "Elka" and decorations will be free Devastating protests spread to California, police used tear gas and smoke in Brazil desperate Santa Claus made Christmas tattoos all over his body 24-meter high tree adventures got to Sophia Square hosts made TSN moving defenders present Ukraine Armed Forces Day
Articles in the "views" are printed language of the author. News Ukraine and the world - from news Latest news politics, economy, sports and showbiz photos and videos - all exclusive to this site "Map" Also read our News on russkoyazыchnoy version. "Map" harpers mag All rights reserved. Any copying, reproduction, republication or redistribution of information containing the reference to UNIAN, RIA Novosti, Reuters, Interfax-Ukraine, Ukrainian News, AFP, is strictly prohibited. Reprinting of all other materials, including video, and quoting any information from the TV channel 1 + 1, is permitted only with reference to For online publications harpers mag binding is direct, open to search harpers mag engines hyperlink in the first paragraph on a particular news or material. Editorial site allows users to embed and view video content using the media player 1 + 1 using Embed-code provided direct hyperlink to Storage and bring to the public of the video content is made directly on server hardware edition of the site and does not involve the actual placement of video on a site or third party equipment. Posts tagged with "Advertising", "News", "News" published harpers mag as advertisements. Editorial can not share the author's position the "look" and is not responsible for the content authors the "Blogs".

Sunday, December 7, 2014

In Greece, protesters pelted police

Ukraine tomorrow starts with selecting pipes paid for Russian gas - Energy Minister 1/12 17-year-old Eugene feminism and men need urgent help! 2/12 Putin is not seeking separation Donbass and "Ukrainian Federation" - Der Spiegel feminism and men 3/12 restore parliamentary committee investigating the tragedy Ilovaisky - Timchuk 4/12 Next Week upset Ukrainian sleet and ice 5/12 was known who and at what cost foreign ministers found in the new government 6/12 Help Mikhailik hear the world! 7/12 settlers expelled representatives of Donbass feminism and men Fund Akhmetov shouting "Shame!" 8/12 Donbass began openly sending mercenaries from Siberia 9/12 Kharkiv saboteur tried to blow up people in the Chamber Euromaidan - Media 10/12 The new Minister of Health told what reforms are waiting for medicine needs caring 11/12 Aid Savenko Roman! 12/12
"First, a quick notified about 8 am, near the house is a man dressed in an orange shirt. Later established his identity and preliminary cause of death - the strongest alcohol feminism and men intoxication. His body was sent to the morgue," - said the source. feminism and men
The former keyboardist of "Gentle May 'Alex Burda in 2004 founded the production center feminism and men StarMedia. He organized concerts of Dima Bilan, the "Car of time", "Ivanushki International", and Andrey Gubin, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Tatiana Bulanov, Dmitry Malikov feminism and men and many others.
Vinnytsia Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kirovohrad Kyiv Lutsk Lviv Mykolaiv Odesa Poltava Rivne Simferopol Sumy Ternopil Uzhgorod Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkassy Chernivtsi more -3 day after tomorrow 0 -1
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In Greece, protesters pelted police "Molotov cocktails" and erected barricades in Novomoskovs'k toppled statue of Lenin destructive protests spread to California, police feminism and men used tear gas and smoke Leading TSN made a touching gift to the defenders of Ukraine Ukrainian Armed Forces Day Army one day got more technology than 10 years
Articles in the "views" are printed language of the author. News Ukraine and the world - from news Latest news politics, economy, sports and showbiz photos feminism and men and videos - all exclusive to this site "Map" Also read our News on russkoyazыchnoy version. "Map" All rights reserved. Any copying, reproduction, republication or redistribution of information containing the reference to UNIAN, RIA Novosti, Reuters, Interfax-Ukraine, feminism and men Ukrainian News, AFP, is strictly prohibited. Reprinting of all other materials, feminism and men including video, and quoting any information from the TV channel 1 + 1, is permitted only with reference to For online publications binding is direct, open to search engines hyperlink in the first paragraph on a particular news or material. Editorial site allows users to embed and view video content using the media player 1 + 1 using Embed-code provided direct hyperlink to Storage and bring to the public of the video content is made directly on server hardware feminism and men edition of the site and does not involve the actual placement of video on a site or third party equipment. Posts tagged with "Advertising", "News", "News" published as advertisements. Editorial can not share the author's position the "look" and is not responsible for the content authors the "Blogs".

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

A talented guy answer questions about your way to victory, the relationship with the star coach Svy

In Ukraine, "burst" two commercial banks 1/12 Children ask Lviv St. Nicholas to their parents no longer were taken to area ATO 2/12 After oil spill in Israel injured 80 people 3/12 In, brought the case on three Ukrainian minna mercke schmidt deputies by statements minna mercke schmidt about events in Grozny 4/12 17-year-old Eugene minna mercke schmidt need urgent help! 5/12 "Gazprom" on the second night saw listed "Naftogaz" $ 378 million pre 6/12 Enerhodefitsyt, as Ukraine is saved from total lack of coal 7/12 Soldiers ATO today will march capital Kreschatiku 8/12 Poroshenko leaving the zone ATO to soldiers pass more than 100 pieces of heavy weapons 9/12 Ukrainian military meet their professional holiday fierce shelling militants in the Donbas 10/12 Help Mikhailik hear the world! 11/12 Aid caring needs Savenko Roman! 12/12
Press service minna mercke schmidt of the channel 1 + 1 Igor Hrohotskyy answer questions supporters in the online conference winner singing show "Voice of the country. Reboot" minna mercke schmidt Igor Hrohotskyy take part in the online conference held on Tuesday, June 17, at 20.30 Online .
A talented guy answer questions about your way to victory, the relationship with the star coach Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, the project zalashtunky sports past and all that interested his supporters.
38 comments Comment
Reply Quote
olenabelma 17 June, 20:49
Igor, Voice of the country I have not looked, but saw the video of the winner, for sure I want to say that Ukraine can claim the presence of star European minna mercke schmidt standard (no exaggeration)! Own this voice and repertoire like we lack) with your appearance and voice, you have a good producer) Personally, I would love to see you once in a representative at Eurovision Ukraine)) And then already tired of our pop stars in skirts) Because success!
As you are very beautiful voice! Somebody with world stars like to sing a duet? And do you have idols?
Vinnytsia Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Ivano-Frankivsk Kirovohrad Kyiv Lutsk Lviv Mykolaiv minna mercke schmidt Odesa Poltava Rivne Simferopol Sumy Ternopil Uzhgorod Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkassy Chernivtsi more -3 -2 day after tomorrow -1
Danylko told about sleep problems, alcohol and Kyiv called "prison" 3928 | 52 | 32 | 52 | Watch Online program "Inspector minna mercke schmidt Freimut" on 1151 | 19 | 13 | 19 | In Ukraine banned all movies with scandal Okhlobystin 3 | 5 | 20 | 5 | Dzhedzhula showed horrific consequences beaten 13 | 3 | 4 | 3 | Schwarzenegger ease prostukav tune from "Terminator" for the morning paper 1 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
According to the Russian security services removed from Bezlera What do Gorlovki in Ukraine minna mercke schmidt Russian professional military Despite the declared unity FSC lives in his own as the first face was the Donbass electrician As Don Kazak became influential in the Luhansk region
Leading TSN made a touching gift defenders of Ukraine's Armed Forces Day. Premier line Tears, smiles, love and pride: thousand Kiev on Khreschatyk met soldiers of the 12th Battalion Ukrainian army one day got more equipment than the last 10 years Poroshenko Chuhuyiv handed military equipment and weapons, and the first lady - clothes and pictures in Novomoskovs'k dropped statue of Lenin
Articles in the "views" are printed language of the author. News Ukraine and the world - from news Latest news politics, minna mercke schmidt economy, sports and showbiz photos and videos - all exclusive to this site "Map" Also read our News on russkoyazыchnoy version. minna mercke schmidt "Map" All rights reserved. minna mercke schmidt Any copying, minna mercke schmidt reproduction, minna mercke schmidt republication or redistribution of information containing the reference to UNIAN, RIA Novosti, Reuters, Interfax-Ukraine, Ukrainian News, AFP, is strictly prohibited. Reprinting of all other materials, including video, and quoting any information from the TV channel 1 + 1, is permitted minna mercke schmidt only with reference to For online publications binding is direct, open to search engines hyperlink in the first paragraph minna mercke schmidt on a particular news or material. Editorial site allows users to embed and view video content using the media player 1 + 1 using Embed-code provided direct hyperlink to Storage and bring to the public of the video content is made directly on server hardware edition of the site and does not involve the actual placement of video on a site or third party equipment. Posts tagged with "Advertising", "News", "News" published as advertisements. Editorial can not share the author's position the "look" and is not responsible for the content authors the "Blogs".

Articles giveawayoftheday game in the

Danylko told about sleep problems, alcohol and Kyiv called "prison" 1/12 Ceausescu liked stew of chicken, and Stalin - Georgian dishes 2/12 17-year-old Eugene need urgent help! 3/12 Kadyrov instructed its militants kidnap three people's deputies of Ukraine 4/12 Kasparov told when dissolved imaginary peace in the Caucasus 5/12 Russia again shocked his cruelty: the man to beat blood girl to win in the show 6/12 Putin repeats Hitler and fear finish as Gaddafi - Saakashvili 7/12 Network excited bright emerald cat, walking the streets of Bulgaria on 8/12 "black" market dollar giveawayoftheday game has already sold to 17 hryvnia, and the euro - 21 9/12 Aid caring needs Savenko Roman! 10/12 Help Mikhailik hear the world! 11/12 In Ukraine welcomed volunteers, without which it would have survived Square and Ukrainian giveawayoftheday game army 12/12
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Articles giveawayoftheday game in the "views" are printed language of the author. News Ukraine and the world - from news Latest news politics, economy, sports and showbiz photos and videos - all exclusive to this site "Map" Also read our News on russkoyazыchnoy version. "Map" All rights reserved. Any copying, reproduction, republication or redistribution of information containing the reference to UNIAN, RIA Novosti, Reuters, Interfax-Ukraine, Ukrainian News, AFP, is strictly prohibited. Reprinting of all other materials, including video, and quoting any information from the TV channel 1 + 1, is permitted only with reference to For online publications binding is direct, open to search engines hyperlink in the first paragraph on a particular news or material. Editorial site allows users to embed and view video content giveawayoftheday game using the media player 1 + 1 using Embed-code provided direct hyperlink to Storage and bring to the public of the video content is made directly on server hardware edition of the site and does not involve the actual placement of video on a site or third party equipment. Posts tagged with "Advertising", "News", "News" giveawayoftheday game published as advertisements. giveawayoftheday game Editorial can not share the author's position the "look" giveawayoftheday game and is not responsible for the content authors the "Blogs".

Friday, December 5, 2014

Olivia Palermo Toledo was born February glamour living 28, 1986 in America in the family of a wealt

Olivia Palermo - is the most stylish girl in 2012 for the version tsiey GQ, in other words it - girl, style icon and fashion. It was a successful American TV presenter, model and socialite glamour living simply. Olivia Palermo is own fashion blog (http: // www. Oliviapalermo. Com /), where millions of girls modern monitor new trends, find new ideas and inspiration. In the Russian-speaking countries Olivia Palermo is not very well known, but its success is steadily glamour living growing and in our country.
Olivia Palermo Toledo was born February glamour living 28, 1986 in America in the family of a wealthy construction company owner Douglas Palermo (Italian origin) glamour living and interior designer Lynn Hatchins. World fame came to Olivia Palermo glamour living in 2008 through its participation in the reality show City (The City), where her role was directly related to participation in the work of fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg and fashion magazine Elle. Since then, the popularity glamour living of Olivia Palermo grew steadily. She is widely known in secular circles glamour living as through active participation in various charity projects. Olivia Palermo has established itself as a successful model (signed in 2009 a contract with the agency Wilhelmina Models) and became the "face on the cover of" (constantly appearing glamour living on the covers of fashion magazines - Elle, Tatler, ASOS Magazine, InStyle, Shop Til You Drop, Marie Claire , Company, Velvet, Vogue). Moreover, Olivia Palermo was invited to a photo shoot of numerous collections of clothing labels such as Tibi, Hogan, Mango, an exclusive collection of designer Oscar de la Renta. Olivia helped develop a line of jewelry together with Roberta Freiman, together with a collection of shoes Stuart Weitzman in 2011, together with bags Jill Stuart Accessories in 2012.
Olivia Palermo has impeccable taste and knows how to perfectly combine democratic brands and high fashion (such as sandals from Zar, Miss Dior handbag and dress from TopShop). This girl - the embodiment of intelligent and restrained style, which extrinsic flashy glamor.
View my complete profile

Thursday, December 4, 2014

In preparation for the third contest

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Recently mykolayivchany had the opportunity to dive into the world of beauty and grace, visiting a beauty contest "Miss pointe venus hotel Mykolayivchanka 2010", held on 23 October in the city's House of Culture. Organizer and initiator of the event - Mykolaiv city organization Youth Organization "Foundation of Regional Initiatives". The competition is aimed at helping every girl clearly express themselves, to reflect the beauty, uniqueness and perfection, to discover their talents, to emphasize pointe venus hotel femininity. The hosts of the competition were Olya Bolyuk and Arsen Nikita.
As subtle embroidery pointe venus hotel - our ancient and modern art always indicates nevmyruschist Ukrainian traditions, so began a joint action release girls in embroidered shirts and whisk with candles in their hands to a song by Nina Matvienko "flower-soul."
Already in the first contest "Business Card" girls had to reveal his admiration introduce ourselves. This contest was estimated their charm and attractiveness, diversity of passions, the ability to "submit" themselves.
Connoisseurs of female beauty, members of the jury were: coach sports and dance club "Snowdrop" judge of higher national category of dancing pointe venus hotel - John Holeyko, specialist of housing and communal services RDA, a member of FRI - Galina Savkiv, artist Roman Fedorov, Methodist education department Mykolaiv RSA - Helen Horse, "Miss Nikolaev 2003" - Martha Herushevych.
In the music pauses audience pointe venus hotel enjoyed performances by the winners of the regional review contest dance groups "Colors of Autumn 2010": sports dance ensemble "Snowdrop" (Head - John Holeyko) and dance group "Dream" Sun s.Rudnyky (Head - Yaroslav Maksymischak)
Next competition "Warm" in which member pointe venus hotel had to demonstrate their intellectual abilities, answering questions. Contestants were able to show some originality and speaking skills. In addition, the estimated their emancipation and self-confidence. Every girl cope with the task proved philosophical approach to the questions.
In preparation for the third contest "Make your image", the girls had to connect a maximum of fantasy and imagination pointe venus hotel and justify their choice. Participant number 1 - Lily Gnativ showed the image of "patriot or indifferent," party number 2 has shown Oles Stakhiv present image of Aphrodite, participant number 3 Maria Oschypok was "chocolate girl", pointe venus hotel participant number 4 Christina Paholchuk chosen image Roksolany, participant number 5 Oksana pointe venus hotel Vilchyk - image "Positive", participant number 6 Galina Hrynach - "Gentle Angel", a participant in
Before the competition assessment performed by the winner of the Grand Prix "Pearl of the Dniester River," which also won first place in the national festival of religious songs "Song" pointe venus hotel - Daria Ivankovskoyi performed the songs "three stars".
The most interesting and exciting competition - "Crown Room", under which contestants had to showcase their talent, artistry and skill performance is evaluated and originality number.
Inflammatory speech gave away holiday - pop band GLAMOUR - three pretty girls who work in a very fashionable style today Pop-RnB. Their repertoire of original and diverse. The group performs original songs in Ukrainian, Russian and English. Group for several years with the same success serves all parts of Ukraine and Poland, Germany and Italy. Have participated in the national charts "Our Song" and "hit of the year." And received the title of "Best Pop Group of the Year 2009", according to one of the magazines of the city. Spring 2010 girls presented pointe venus hotel their debut album and video, entitled "Remember Me".
During pointe venus hotel the last competition - a fashion show in wedding dresses wedding dresses from the store "Tatiana" (owner Tatiana Galushchak) under light romantic song at twilight Party demonstrated their grace and elegance, the ability to "walk", and, most importantly, pointe venus hotel wearing elegant wedding dresses. Undoubtedly, every beauty felt real heroine evening. Honorable mission deduce girls on stage in wedding dresses George had persecuted. Every girl in tiara adorned. Beautiful girls posing outputs organized Mariana Gnativ - contestant "Miss Region 2009" that showed patience and perseverance, taught every girl modeling capabilities.
It should be noted that while preparing for the beauty contest "Miss Mykolayivchanka 2010" in Mykolayiv City of YPO "Foundation of Regional Initiatives" had a wonderful idea to hold a photo contest "Miss Internet" among the contestants. This idea was eagerly supported the photographer entrepreneur, member of the National Union of Photographers of Ukraine - Igor Hnativ.Fotomytets forecast