Wednesday, November 13, 2013

(ALL WORLD Gayatri Family, Shantikunj, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India) A proclamation CLEAR-THE 21ST

Free e-books on Indian Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual PROSPERITY clara barton elementary school & 2) Peacefully Uniting the world as a family. Sacred Mission: A beautiful border less world.
(ALL WORLD Gayatri Family, Shantikunj, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India) A proclamation CLEAR-THE 21ST CENTURY VERA beams: At a time when world scientists, social scientists etc were very concerned about the increase in pollution, over population and the alarming rise in potential crime fear risks relating to human existence and human values Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had predicted that if the actual world situations are very scary, but at the moment that Almighty God does not desire the destruction of any kind and the confluence of divine and human efforts world conditions shall convert rapidly. The circumstances of the last 2,000 years has been tainted, the reform of 100 years. In the subtle world this arrangement clara barton elementary school has already been done. Through the medium of credible / capable people it has just now obvious. For this purpose he founded YUG Nirma Mission. The Golden evidence of divine Program: It is the hour wherein deep into first with warding off destructive streams of Stop trying to get to grips with human and human values, the active divine agenda bright future for the world. This effort clara barton elementary school has already begun. Since hundreds of years before a great future seers and visionaries began giving clear evidence of this and the following are worth taking note of-A. SAINT SURDAS: O mind! Why are not you a patient? After 2000 portfolio such circumstances the obvious for 1000 years creeper of Satyuga or Golden Era shall grow. O mind! Why are not you a patient? B. Swami Vivekananda: India should reach the pinnacle of glory that all the ancient glories and achievements should pale in comparison. C. YOGI Shri Aurobindo: India should lead and guide the whole world spiritually. The Super mind in the soul of man in the world and the environment must convert quickly. D. SAINT BAHAULLAH: Dawn bright future world fit for humans and other creatures of the earth. Look at the reflection of his glory. It's ancient glory that has the new. For more scientific e literature clara barton elementary school pls visit and The object of this exercise is 'divinity manifesting in mankind and heaven usher in this world': Everyone desires to heaven clara barton elementary school appeared on earth. But according to the Rishis of rebirth, yore development and nurturing of heaven shall be possible only on the basis of manifesting divinity. Divinity is present in all the world is albeit in latent form seeds. The more it arises and progress to more celestial circumstances shall evident. Every person clara barton elementary school should be awake and labor hard to achieve this goal. Certain Fact: Along with clear prophecy he had presented a comprehensive and specific social precept of Era transformation. THREE study result: A healthy body, clear / clean mind and civilized world community. Equal effort is required to be provided for all three only the target should be achieved. Each person must have a world to be vigilant and work hard. THREE revolutions: Thought Revolution provide thoughts and ideals precept based life and a lot of proving discrimination. Ethical Revolution-provoking enormous moral authority to lead a life of high ideals growth and discrimination. Social Revolution-by uprooting worldwide undesirable taints reinstate super wholesome activities in the world. THREE creation: Individual creativity-create a lot of thought, character and social behavior uplifted. Family Creation-created families and businesses a lot of great features, love and cooperation. Community creation through the medium of great characters and household measures of a perfect world society. THREE ACTIVITIES: Introduction Build-through instructions YUG Nirma agency provide the public understands and agrees. clara barton elementary school Creative-We encourage and train assenting individuals clara barton elementary school encouraging them to participate in a variety of creative projects. Agitation-based go ahead after valiantly crushing all obstacles that prevent a creative endeavor. Role Yuga Rishi VEDMURTI TAPONISHTHA Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya: Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma and materializing the above evidence of the great visionaries not only providing clear the nature and direction of flow of the divine plan, but he also set up a strong foundation in the subtle world for this holy task. The foundation of a new era STONE-Yuga clara barton elementary school Nirma Title: Rishis of yore have said that Almighty God created this world with His Sankalpa or weakness. Man also through clara barton elementary school this commitment can run creation. clara barton elementary school Every person must be resolved with greatness for new creations and live / life in tune with it. If this happens then in this divine plan one should get a golden clara barton elementary school chance / fortune to play the role of leaders. Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma e

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